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Archived: Vote for Evol
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Re: Vote for Evol
10/30/08 1:23 pm | #106
Quote by Lou83:
people are taking this thing too far. It's just for fun. I'm going to withdraw myself from the campaign. Evol won.
Yeah, we don't need any more threads getting closed. Though I really did want to make a campaign video, lmao I was having too much fun.
Re: Vote for Evol
10/30/08 1:30 pm | #109
Quote by Lou83:
It was fun, but like I said, people are acting childish.
So its cool now that I hang up the Lou/Shock poster on my wall now?
Re: Vote for Evol
10/30/08 1:54 pm | #111
I don't think its you. Its either me, I don't know how though, or Nick for this quote:
Quote by Teh PayPahBoi:
and youre a pedophilic douchecake who needs to get a life and needs to stop using my myspace pictures to pleasure yourself.
i could make something, but i dont haz photoshop. but i got some pretty 1337 paint skillz....maybe when i get home ill make something. but, unlike my competition, i wont act like a wanna-be pedophile and stalk through peoples myspaces to pleasure myself and to get photos for gay ads.
btw mike, ur pic r epic fail. my handwriting is terrible, and i never write that thick...
Re: Vote for Evol
10/30/08 2:00 pm | #113
Maybe its because of all the crap he got over his name change that's made him bitter. I did get a laugh out of that quote though.
Re: Vote for Evol
10/30/08 2:17 pm | #115
Even fake politix dunt wurk!
I thunk I haz Fitin chanz!
I thanx Lou fer not runnin mudsling campane! He can iz teh wurthy adversary!!
U can take the xbox out of amerca, but you cant take tha amerca outta xbox!
Re: Vote for Evol
10/30/08 2:21 pm | #118
Quote by Lou83:
im still sexy though!!!
That was never in dispute as far as I was concerned!!
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