Archived: Violence in video games
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Violence in video games
07/13/09 12:37 am | #1
Any one else see Penn & Teller:Bullshit(Ep.89) this week? The topic was "Do video games lead to teen violence"? I thought it was a good episode. What are your thoughts on the episode and/or the topic? Agree or Disagree?
Re: Violence in video games
07/13/09 12:38 am | #2
gimme a link, i love that show
Re: Violence in video games
07/13/09 12:40 am | #3
I love that show. It was amusing laughing at jack whatever his name was , pure stupidity.
Re: Re: Violence in video games
07/13/09 12:43 am | #4
Re: Violence in video games
07/13/09 1:17 am | #5
Y was that kid crying after shooting the gun?
Re: Violence in video games
07/13/09 1:21 am | #6
It has been studied and proven that video games do not cause violence in children or teenagers, but helps suppress it. The games help you vent your anger and get out all violence in the game, so in real life you are actually more calm and less violent. So what everyone believes (or what every politician believes
) is actually the complete opposite of the truth.

Re: Violence in video games
07/13/09 2:13 am | #7
My favorite part of the show was the opening part where they were showing a "chat log" on the side. Internet references galore. I had Lulz
Re: Re: Violence in video games
07/13/09 1:08 pm | #9
Quote by SeanTM22:
Y was that kid crying after shooting the gun?
My guess would be the gun recoil was more than he expected.
Re: Violence in video games
07/13/09 1:18 pm | #10
I used to love watching that when we had Showtime, or whatever it's on that we no longer have. But I think all of the controversy is definitely bullshit. I've played them all my life and I turned out fine, (depending on who you ask...) The media just needs something to pick at so they pick whatever is gaining popularity, in my opinion anyway.
Re: Re: Violence in video games
07/13/09 2:05 pm | #11
Quote by Mike93:
I used to love watching that when we had Showtime, or whatever it's on that we no longer have. But I think all of the controversy is definitely bullshit. I've played them all my life and I turned out fine, (depending on who you ask...) The media just needs something to pick at so they pick whatever is gaining popularity, in my opinion anyway.
You can catch em on youtube.
Re: Re: Re: Violence in video games
07/14/09 8:16 pm | #12
Quote by PitBullDoorbell:
Copyright banned.
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