Archived: The last poster wins
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Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 12:13 am | #631
purchase made. damn i wanna watch that movie now. its one of my favs. i had it on dvd but i lent it to a friend and then he moved out of state and i never got it back

Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 12:16 am | #632
I'm starting to think Golden should step in and kill the thread before any flaming erupts outta this.
Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 12:18 am | #633
dude u kno the flaming is comin. it should have been over hrs ago. it has officaly become 2 weeks and 1 day. there is nothin against holding a convo in a pointless forum. everyone does it. plus i have NEVER seen anyone in the chatroom lol
Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 12:22 am | #634
It would be different if this thread had a topic but its went from wrestling to just posting pics to baseball to movies.
Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 12:23 am | #635
yea well we could change it back to wrestling if u want. i just bought my tix to WWE night of champions!!
Re: Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 1:40 am | #636
Quote by orange20:
yea well we could change it back to wrestling if u want. i just bought my tix to WWE night of champions!!
lol why cant we have a topic i care about.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 1:48 am | #638
Quote by Golden138:
Quote by Blackmagic16:
lol why cant we have a topic i care about.
And, what exactly would that be? (Within reason):laugh
And, no, it is not even 12 here yet, so today, up until 12 my time is 2 weeks!!!


Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 5:40 am | #639
did anyone ever pick a new tpic on here or is thins thiing done now? its def over 2 weeks now
Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 7:35 am | #640

Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 10:52 am | #641

if only every place was this nice. i would never have to worry about speeding tickets
Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 11:29 am | #642

Re: The last poster wins
07/14/09 11:39 am | #644
Nice. PMing now. Thanks man.