To clarify exactly what qualifies as a "Quick 200":
(1) The game must take no more then 15 hours to attain the GS amount listed under
(2) The word easy or not easy will not put a game on or off this list. If it exceeds the number of hours in (1) then it is automatically disqualified.
(B) Denotes games that may require boosting for them to be termed as a quick 200.
(F) Denotes games that are free.
Under 5 hours:
* 3D Ultra Minigolf (B)
* Braid (Need Guide)
* Bomberman Live (B)
* Buku Sudoku
* Cloning Clyde
* Crystal Quest
* Dash of Destruction (F)
* Dig Dug
* Double D Dodgeball (B) *Requires 8 people to boost*
* Galaga
* Golden Axe (B)
* Hardwood Backgammon (B)
* Interpol
* Live Draft Tracker
* Live Score Tracker
* Ms. Pac-man
* New Rally X
* Pac-man
* Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball (B)
* Portal: Still Alive (Use Youtube To Achieve This)
* Sealife Safari
* Sensible World of Soccer
* Soul Calibur
* Spyglass Board Games (B)
* Track and Field
* Uno
5-15 hours:
* A Kingdom For Keflings (B)
* Aegis Wing (B) (F)
* Age of Booty
* Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?
* Arkadian Warriors
* Assault Heroes
* Band of Bugs