Q: How do I change my theme?
A:Go to my xbox then scroll over one right and then click your account then it should say change theme
Q: Am I missing something or is there no way to see your achievement points/possible total points?
A:Yeah they took the total achievable points out, I use http://www.xbox360achievements.org's checklist
Q:Where the hell did they hide away your rep stats???
Aush the Guide button and scroll all the way to the right and on the settings blade, go to profile and it's in there.
Q:How do you delete your zero achievement point games?
Aush the Guide button and scroll one blade to the left on the games blade and go into your achievements. Now when you scroll through your games, any one that you have 0 points in will allow you to push the X button to delete it from your played games list.
Q:Is it possible to hide sections like events or inside xbox so i don't have to run through them every time i'm on?
A:That would be really nice, but I don't think so. Hiding the Welcome section is an option under preferences; there is no option for any other section. There is something to request for a future update
Q:I was wondering when will they give us new items for the Avatars and will there be things from the games you play?
A:MS has stated that new clothing items and whatnot will be added bi-weekly but hasn't said if it will be free or for a small fee, most likely it'll be the latter. As for things from games you play I seem to remember this being thrown around and wouldn't be surprised if this happens.