Anyways, fast forward to last weekend. I was checking out what was On-Demand, and checked out the G4 section where there was a review of GoW. I decided to check it out and see what X-Play had to say, but I was horrified! They gave the game a great review, talked about how much fun it was and all that, and the whole time they were showing the game on Standard Definition and it looked absolutley HORRIBLE!!! I just couldn't believe how big of a difference it really made. Now, I've seen a 360 on a 32' flat panel too and that looks absolutley gorgeous, but since I've only seen it once I can't compare it to mine. Anyways, I just wanted to say that HD really does make a big difference, though I'm pretty sure almost everyone here already has one anyways.
Archived: The Hi-Def Difference
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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The Hi-Def Difference
12/18/06 11:46 am | #1
Alright, now this thread may just show off my ignorance, but I just wanted to comment on what I noticed this weekend. First off, when I got my 360 last year, I had a 27", flat screen SDTV. Yeah, it was a really nice TV I had bought about 6 months prior to replace my old 23" tube TV. I hooked up my 360 using composite cables and everything looked nice. A month or two went by and I read about how everyone said HD makes the games look amazing, how great everything looks so I said 'Well, then I gotta have it!' I read up online about all of the different things and what they meant concerning 720p, 1080i and such, and I decided that I'd look for a cheap one. I didn't need a 56" flat panel, as it was just for my bedroom, so I checked out Best Buy and was almost set to buy a 30" Flat Screen HDTV for about $500, which seemed to be a good deal. I held off, and later that day we went to Wal-Mart, where, there on the shelf sat a floor model Sanyo 28" Flat/Widescreen HDTV with a built-in HD tuner marked down for about $330 bucks. I was luck 'Friggin Sweet!!!' My mom needed a TV, which was really why we went to Wal-Mart, so I struck a deal with her to buy my 27" TV for $100 bucks. I didn't care that the HDTV was floor model, because I would have needed to take it out of the box for it to fit in my car anyways, plus since it was out of the box I was able to make sure that there were no marks or damage and such. When I went to cash out, the cashier was like "I'll give it to you for an even $300" so my HDTV cost me $315 including tax. Mind you it was still a CRT, so it was heavy as fuck to carry upstairs, but we got it home, I hooked it up and brought my old TV Downstairs for my mom. I connected my 360 to it and, all excited proceeded to play in HD. Now, to me there really wasn't much of a difference, though to be fair the only game I played on the old TV and on the new TV was Oblivion, every other game I played only in HD. But anyways, it was a great deal for a really nice HDTV and I was happy. Believe me, I'm going somewhere with this story...maybe...
Anyways, fast forward to last weekend. I was checking out what was On-Demand, and checked out the G4 section where there was a review of GoW. I decided to check it out and see what X-Play had to say, but I was horrified! They gave the game a great review, talked about how much fun it was and all that, and the whole time they were showing the game on Standard Definition and it looked absolutley HORRIBLE!!! I just couldn't believe how big of a difference it really made. Now, I've seen a 360 on a 32' flat panel too and that looks absolutley gorgeous, but since I've only seen it once I can't compare it to mine. Anyways, I just wanted to say that HD really does make a big difference, though I'm pretty sure almost everyone here already has one anyways.
Anyways, fast forward to last weekend. I was checking out what was On-Demand, and checked out the G4 section where there was a review of GoW. I decided to check it out and see what X-Play had to say, but I was horrified! They gave the game a great review, talked about how much fun it was and all that, and the whole time they were showing the game on Standard Definition and it looked absolutley HORRIBLE!!! I just couldn't believe how big of a difference it really made. Now, I've seen a 360 on a 32' flat panel too and that looks absolutley gorgeous, but since I've only seen it once I can't compare it to mine. Anyways, I just wanted to say that HD really does make a big difference, though I'm pretty sure almost everyone here already has one anyways.
Re: The Hi-Def Difference
12/18/06 3:12 pm | #2
Yea, I agree. I've lived all my life with only 2 TVs, both tube, one Mitsubishi, and the other Toshiba. They were both older than I am. Then about a month ago my dad went on a craze. He suddenly decided it was time to upgrade our entertainment centers. I don't know anything about TVs, or electronics like that, so I didn't even try to help in the deciding process.
We now have a new 60" Sony HDTV, and a 50" Panasonic HDTV. We also switched from DirecTv to HD cable, and got a new Bose surround sound system, and dvd player. After so many years of having to smack the Mitsubishi tube tv (or throw things at if in a comfortable position) whenever the picture disappeared, this is a complete shock.
Saturday night I was watching return of the king on the HD TNT channel, and I have to say it was amazing. I can notice the difference big time.
We now have a new 60" Sony HDTV, and a 50" Panasonic HDTV. We also switched from DirecTv to HD cable, and got a new Bose surround sound system, and dvd player. After so many years of having to smack the Mitsubishi tube tv (or throw things at if in a comfortable position) whenever the picture disappeared, this is a complete shock.
Saturday night I was watching return of the king on the HD TNT channel, and I have to say it was amazing. I can notice the difference big time.
Re: The Hi-Def Difference
12/18/06 5:32 pm | #3
W00T, your story had a point!

Re: The Hi-Def Difference
12/19/06 1:53 pm | #4
I couldn't help but reading this thread and thinking to myself (27') - wow, that must be a huge freaking TV to be that many feet.
I then realized it was a consistent typo and was really supposed to be (27"). What a difference in size... Sorry, I had to go there M8!
So, anyway, yes, I have had my 65" Pioneer Elite TV for about 2 years, and I am ecstatic everytime I turn on something High Def. I find myself watching the weirdest, most boring shows on TV just because they are in High Def, LOL!
I then realized it was a consistent typo and was really supposed to be (27"). What a difference in size... Sorry, I had to go there M8!
So, anyway, yes, I have had my 65" Pioneer Elite TV for about 2 years, and I am ecstatic everytime I turn on something High Def. I find myself watching the weirdest, most boring shows on TV just because they are in High Def, LOL!
Re: The Hi-Def Difference
12/20/06 8:17 am | #5
Quote by San Grial:
I couldn't help but reading this thread and thinking to myself (27') - wow, that must be a huge freaking TV to be that many feet.
I then realized it was a consistent typo and was really supposed to be (27"). What a difference in size... Sorry, I had to go there M8!
I then realized it was a consistent typo and was really supposed to be (27"). What a difference in size... Sorry, I had to go there M8!
.....Yeah, TV really is 27' !!!! It's like a huge Best Buy display model...Yeah,...that'll show you!!!!
Re: The Hi-Def Difference
12/21/06 12:27 am | #7
man i cant believe you can type that much at one time nice shit hektic
Re: The Hi-Def Difference
12/21/06 7:28 am | #8
Quote by WhiteRain7:
man i cant believe you can type that much at one time nice shit hektic
im still in shock!

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