Archived: The Appreciation Thread
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Re: The Appreciation Thread
04/10/09 7:25 pm | #227
ogm, u passeded through ga w/aot tellinz meh!?!?!
whered you pass through, you mightve gone right by my place lol if you were going down i-20 anyways...even tho that goes east-west instead of north-south lol
whered you pass through, you mightve gone right by my place lol if you were going down i-20 anyways...even tho that goes east-west instead of north-south lol
Re: The Appreciation Thread
04/10/09 8:25 pm | #228
I have to say that I appreciate Nemesis (have I posted this yet, I don't think so)
He is going through the campaign with me on Resident Evil 5, speed running through it on hard difficulty so I can get the unlimited rocket launcher. Big thanks to him.
Nemesis, I appreciate you!
but seriously, thanks man!
He is going through the campaign with me on Resident Evil 5, speed running through it on hard difficulty so I can get the unlimited rocket launcher. Big thanks to him.
Nemesis, I appreciate you!
but seriously, thanks man!
Re: The Appreciation Thread
04/10/09 8:28 pm | #229
I appreciate all of the xba forum members... without them there is no xba!
Re: The Appreciation Thread
04/10/09 9:43 pm | #231
yer. me helpededed mudkipz get his rl (or i got him really close lol) and now he sees why the entire time i helped him w/ campaign, i was using it lol.
mudkip, haz u shown preciationz for me helpinz u get some re5 chievemantz!? lol
mudkip, haz u shown preciationz for me helpinz u get some re5 chievemantz!? lol