Archived: Te4m TurdL3Be4cH
Posted Under: Gaming
Te4m TurdL3Be4cH
08/14/09 5:48 pm | #1
Recently on Call Of Duty, I've been asked to recruit people for Te4m TurdL3Be4cH which is one of few teams that the Turtle Beach company actually sponsors. If you're interested in trying out please post here with your gamertag so I may friend request you and what not. You must be VERY good at both Call of Duty 4 and World At War. We need about 2-3 extremely good players to join this team. You must be a member of Please post here if interested.
Re: Te4m TurdL3Be4cH
08/14/09 6:17 pm | #4
bc they r turtle beaches. im guessin if u make the team u get the headset since u would be sponsored
Re: Re: Re: Te4m TurdL3Be4cH
08/14/09 6:29 pm | #6
Quote by Aaron:
Quote by orange20:
bc they r turtle beaches. im guessin if u make the team u get the headset since u would be sponsored
the headset hurts your ears

hmmm.. mine dont hurt at all. i love them
Re: Te4m TurdL3Be4cH
08/14/09 6:40 pm | #8
yea well i was in the same boat and i got tired of buying a mic literally every month if not less so i tried the microsoft wireless one and i hated it so i said fuck it and spent the 200 on a great set and got the 2 year warrantee through best buy so i wont have to buy a new mic for atleast 2 years.
Re: Te4m TurdL3Be4cH
08/14/09 6:44 pm | #11
no i got the x4's. surround sound, bass boost, velvet ear cups, the works. lol well worth it
Re: Te4m TurdL3Be4cH
08/14/09 8:14 pm | #15
They are nice...but do the $200 ones work with the optical cable?