Archived: Switched to Verizon
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Switched to Verizon
02/29/08 3:56 pm | #1
So I was with T-mobile for 5 years and just got sick of their selection of phones/service and decided to switch to Verizon. We just got a Verizon store in my city and my girlfriend has had Verizon for like 2 years (she is from Detriot) so I switched. I got the new LG Voyager which is kinda like an Iphone with the touch screen but also flips open to a full qwerty keyboard. We dont have the VCAST TV in my area yet (it is supposed to be up in a month or so) and I was wondering if anyone here has Verizon and more specifically the VCAST TV on it. I have heard its pretty sick but wanted to get some input from you guys if any at all.
Re: Switched to Verizon
02/29/08 4:48 pm | #2
i have vcast. i dont use it though. i have no reason to.
Re: Switched to Verizon
02/29/08 5:32 pm | #3
I have the VCAST Mobile TV Select Package which includes:
V CAST Mobile TV with NBC, NBC News, Fox Mobile, MTV Mobile, Comedy Central, CBS Mobile, Nickelodeon, ESPN
Plus, unlimited basic V CAST Video clips and access to Mobile Web 2.0
The V Cast network is not up yet in my city but I have been using the Mobile Web 2.0 ALOT since I got it. I get my email sent directly to my phone plus I can be on all the time!!!
I just wanna get some input on the TV. It sounds cool and is supposed to be just like digital cable with not much of delay when switching channels.
V CAST Mobile TV with NBC, NBC News, Fox Mobile, MTV Mobile, Comedy Central, CBS Mobile, Nickelodeon, ESPN
Plus, unlimited basic V CAST Video clips and access to Mobile Web 2.0
The V Cast network is not up yet in my city but I have been using the Mobile Web 2.0 ALOT since I got it. I get my email sent directly to my phone plus I can be on all the time!!!
I just wanna get some input on the TV. It sounds cool and is supposed to be just like digital cable with not much of delay when switching channels.
Re: Switched to Verizon
02/29/08 5:51 pm | #4
Verizon FTW
Re: Switched to Verizon
02/29/08 7:00 pm | #5
i still have t-mobile.
it makes more sense to me since evryone i knw with the exception of about 4 people still have t-mobile.
it makes more sense to me since evryone i knw with the exception of about 4 people still have t-mobile.
Re: Switched to Verizon
04/03/08 11:00 am | #6
Verizon FTW
Re: Switched to Verizon
04/03/08 12:19 pm | #7
I'd switch to Verizon if my plan with Sprint wasn't so damn amazing...
Re: Switched to Verizon
04/03/08 2:33 pm | #8
Quote by HochulisPythons:
I'd switch to Verizon if my plan with Sprint wasn't so damn amazing...
Here here wit Sprint; Verizon is a little too expensive for me.
Re: Switched to Verizon
04/03/08 2:45 pm | #9
haha well im not the one paying for mine, so im stuck with what i got

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