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Archived: Surf's Up

Surf's Up
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

This user has donated $1+ to Xbox America.

Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

This user has written 10+ published Xbox America news articles.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.

Cheat: Cheat List
To insert the following cheat codes, head to the extras option, and then go to cheat codes.

ASTRAL - Unlocks the Astral board
DONTFALL - Unlocks bonus missions (Legendary Wave & Pen Gu North)
FREEVISIT - Unlocks every championship locale
GOINGDOWN - Unlocks all Leaf Sliding locations
IMTHEBEST - Unlocks Tank Evans
KOBAYASHI - Unlocks TatsuhiKobayashi
MONSOON - Unlocks the Monsoon board
MULTIPASS - Unlocks all multiplayer levels
MYPRECIOUS - Unlocks all boards
NICEPLACE - Unlocks are galleries
SURPRISEGUEST - Unlocks Elliot
THELEGEND - Unlocks Zeke Topanga
TINYBUTSTRONG - Unlocks Arnold
TINYSHOCKWAVE - Unlocks the Tiny Shockwave board
TOPFASHION - Unlocks character customization
WATCHAMOVIE - Unlocks video galleries

Unlockable: New Characters
To unlock the characters listed, acquire the amount of points on the stage shown.

Arnold - Shiverpool 2 / 30,000
Big Z - Legendary Wave / 100,000
Elliot - Pen Gu North 3 / 40,000
Geek - Pen Gu South 4 / 60,000
Tank - Boneyards / 40,000
Tatsuhi - Pen Gu South 2 / 15,000
Re: Surf's Up
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

This user has donated $1+ to Xbox America.

Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

This user has written 10+ published Xbox America news articles.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.

Unlockable: Cody
To unlock Cody, insert SURFINGLEGEND into the in-game cheats menu.
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