Archived: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 5:01 pm | #1
Yes im obviously from Detroit, and yes i still stay in Detroit. You can call me Chuck. Im a GameStop employee, 16 years old, and well i like Shooters, RPG's, Fighting, and all types of games. So hit me up if you wanna play somethin. O and im very mature, so im not that usaul teenage D*** head you always get matched with. Im a pretty chill dude.
Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 5:04 pm | #2
sup sniper. welcome to xba. stay clear of the dip, but the kool-aid is pretty awesome 
btw, do you know what the minimum age requirement is to work at gamestop? im thinking about trying to get a part-time job there soon, just to get a little money to buy something. im 14 btw. and ive got one across the street from me. think theyd hire me if i just like stacked boxes in the back or something for less then minimum wage (its just a thought. and not a whole lot less, but then again i wouldnt be working too long anyways)

btw, do you know what the minimum age requirement is to work at gamestop? im thinking about trying to get a part-time job there soon, just to get a little money to buy something. im 14 btw. and ive got one across the street from me. think theyd hire me if i just like stacked boxes in the back or something for less then minimum wage (its just a thought. and not a whole lot less, but then again i wouldnt be working too long anyways)
Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 5:27 pm | #3
welcome to XBA. like taco said stay away from the dip. pull up a chair and stay a while. dont forget to sign up to our 360 voice
Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 6:09 pm | #4
Welcome to the site!
01/15/09 6:12 pm | #5
whats the dip?
Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 6:13 pm | #6
u dont wanna knw...its something matter what anyone sais do not try ze dip
Re: "dip?"
01/15/09 6:14 pm | #7
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
whats the dip?
Its a running gag. TK Chillin offers "virtual dip" which we're not sure what is actually in it. If you stick around you will find the references all over the new threads.
Re: Re: "dip?"
01/15/09 6:16 pm | #8
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
whats the dip?
Its a running gag. TK Chillin offers "virtual dip" which we're not sure what is actually in it. If you stick around you will find the references all over the new threads.
damnit explanation sounds better though lol
01/15/09 6:20 pm | #9
Well you have to be 16. There really is no "box stacking job", besides when you first start. You basically keep the walls in order, and help people on the floor. But really to work there you kinda know everyone for a while. I got lucky and got real tight with the manager. And when holiday season came around, he GAVE me the job, i eventually got hired permanently.
Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 6:21 pm | #10
What it is like a *-bag?
Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 6:21 pm | #11
lucky 17 n it took me like 3 months to find a job. but i finally got one thanks to wanderin around long beach for endless hours *sigh*
Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 6:34 pm | #12
Yeah can you explain more about 360voice?
Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 6:37 pm | #13
The 360voice keeps track of all the members here at XBA while they play XBL. it tracks how many days in a row u play on XBL your gamerscore increase as well as the average gamerscore increase for this site. I cant explain it too well, but in about an hour or two more people will log on and tell you more about it in detail.
Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 6:40 pm | #14
Hi there and out for Ghost...he's behind you

Re: Sup im Detroit SniperX!!
01/15/09 7:09 pm | #15
Bienvenidos al Sitio!