Archived: Summerfest
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Re: Summerfest
06/15/08 7:16 pm | #47
Quote by PSORaine:
LOL I have those too- my going to bed ritual takes an hour. But during the day I'm too busy to care.
so out of the three of us i think i will be the cleanest smelling good
i use bath and body japanese cherry blossum before i go to bed...laugh if you want, but it helps me sleep at night....that way i dont have to get addicted to the sleeping
Re: Summerfest
06/15/08 7:30 pm | #49
Quote by PSORaine:
I wouldn't laugh at you.
the hell you
i use stridex acne control...then i take a shower with the B&BW...than spray myself with the B&BW...than i sleep sound as a baby...unless you or evol come creeping in my room...than i dart in my hidey hole
Re: Summerfest
06/15/08 7:34 pm | #51
.....never thought of that
Re: Summerfest
06/15/08 7:46 pm | #53
i dont even think i can run from you guys very far either
Re: Summerfest
06/15/08 8:27 pm | #55
Im more of a walker....just chilled out
Re: Summerfest
06/15/08 10:57 pm | #57
u should post that up on a couple other threads lol
Re: Summerfest
06/16/08 12:33 am | #59
awww....poor thing...maybe you should have stayed active on this thread and it wouldnt have been jacked
Re: Summerfest
06/16/08 1:19 am | #60
man that looks badass....thinking about going there and having some fun