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Archived: Summer of Arcade 2009 Dates and Prices
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Re: Summer of Arcade 2009 Dates and Prices
07/31/09 12:02 pm | #31
i loved that turtles game when i was a kid too and im only 22. how old are u lady evol 15? jkjkjkjk
i had that game on my wii but i dont have my wii anymore. having it on xbla would be AWESOME!!
i like toitles!!
Re: Re: Summer of Arcade 2009 Dates and Prices
07/31/09 12:20 pm | #32
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Do you guys remember the original NES TMNT? I would love to see that on Arcade.
That game was so insanely difficult. I always remember getting to the water level and dying on electric seaweed. The one time I did manage to beat that level the next insane level stomped me fast. That game was unforgiving and brutal, games today are too easy.
I love the TMNT game that is already on the arcade, I used to play it on actual arcade machines in its heyday.
I can't wait for the new turtles in time, I loved the old version and with the addition of being able to attack in all 4 directions will make the experience completely new. Not to mention the superb graphic redo it is getting.
Did anyone else hear they decided to lower the price on the new Turtles in Time to 800MS points?
The game was originally slated to be 1200MS points but a last minute decision changed that.
Re: Re: Re: Summer of Arcade 2009 Dates and Prices
07/31/09 1:02 pm | #33
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Do you guys remember the original NES TMNT? I would love to see that on Arcade.
Did anyone else hear they decided to lower the price on the new Turtles in Time to 800MS points?
The game was originally slated to be 1200MS points but a last minute decision changed that.
yup nemesis lol refer to post #21 

Re: Summer of Arcade 2009 Dates and Prices
07/31/09 1:28 pm | #34
ah, I have a terrible memory.
Re: Re: Summer of Arcade 2009 Dates and Prices
07/31/09 3:33 pm | #35
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
ah, I have a terrible memory.
lol its ok i was just giving you shit
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