Archived: Suggestion for a new award
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
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Suggestion for a new award
10/24/09 4:45 am | #1
In keeping with the other Waffle awards, what if there was a Platinum Waffle award for users with a GS of 200K and higher? Just a thought that came up, since the Waffle awards reminded me of the medal levels in PGR 3.
Re: Suggestion for a new award
10/24/09 4:46 am | #2
Been there, done that.
Not trying to offend you but please use the search function.
Not trying to offend you but please use the search function.
Re: Suggestion for a new award
10/24/09 4:57 am | #3
Oops... Sorry.
Just had it pop in my head, didn't think to search for a previous suggestion before posting.

Re: Suggestion for a new award
10/24/09 9:26 am | #4
yeah, if you have any ideas on making a new thread, search it first unless its something your 100% sure we dont have it
Re: Suggestion for a new award
10/24/09 11:23 am | #5
I think I came up with this idea like 5 months ago, lol. Didn't work then either.
Re: Suggestion for a new award
10/24/09 11:31 am | #6
If Jackson were to implement this award, i dont think any one would get credit because sooo many people have suggested it
Re: Re: Suggestion for a new award
10/24/09 2:39 pm | #7
Quote by SeanTM22:
If Jackson were to implement this award, i dont think any one would get credit because sooo many people have suggested it
Seriously there are only 3 actual thread about this, so he would just have to look through those for the first to post it.
Everyone else who has said it has said it in new threads or in those 3 but sfter someone else already did.
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