Archived: St. Patrick's Day (wrong)
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St. Patrick's Day (wrong)
03/17/09 8:22 pm | #1
St. Patrick's Day should not be a holiday! I don't like celebrating a day that the catholic church conquered all of Ireland's religions. Seriously, why?
Re: St. Patrick's Day (wrong)
03/17/09 8:27 pm | #2
its to celebrate irish people. dont go into history history is ghey
irish people ftw!!!
irish people ftw!!!
Re: St. Patrick's Day (wrong)
03/17/09 8:42 pm | #4
Yeah it's mostly for getting drunk, but the reason behind the holiday is horrible .
Re: St. Patrick's Day (wrong)
03/17/09 10:26 pm | #6
Fuck you, Crusty! Fuck you and your Irish hating ways!
Re: St. Patrick's Day (wrong)
03/17/09 11:01 pm | #8
wwwoooooooooo grrrrnn beeeerr!!!! that right yo, happy st pattys dayy!!!!
Re: St. Patrick's Day (wrong)
03/17/09 11:46 pm | #9
happy st. patty's day!
oh... wait... booooooooo....
oh... wait... booooooooo....
Re: St. Patrick's Day (wrong)
03/17/09 11:47 pm | #10
Irish hating ways mike! SCREW YOU! XD If anything it should be an english holiday! They screwed all of the Irish religions!
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