While selecting a character from the character select screen, hold down the R Trigger. Doing so will cause your character to not appear as he or she normally would, but to appear as if they were made of metal
Archived: Soulcalibur Cheats
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
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Soulcalibur Cheats
07/20/08 6:46 am | #1
Hint: Metal Fighters
While selecting a character from the character select screen, hold down the R Trigger. Doing so will cause your character to not appear as he or she normally would, but to appear as if they were made of metal
While selecting a character from the character select screen, hold down the R Trigger. Doing so will cause your character to not appear as he or she normally would, but to appear as if they were made of metal
Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
07/20/08 2:46 pm | #2
how would you know even if you havent played the game, just curios
Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
07/21/08 10:35 am | #3
Quote by LJ Montoya 117:
how would you know even if you havent played the game, just curios
Because Random knows everything, and if it works who cares!!!
Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
08/05/08 11:31 am | #4
Thanks, TK Chillin.
LJ Montoya 117 why do you care if i have not played it?
It's to help you out.
LJ Montoya 117 why do you care if i have not played it?
It's to help you out.
Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
08/06/08 3:53 pm | #5
can you still earn achievements while playing in this form?
Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
08/06/08 4:53 pm | #6
Quote by LJ Montoya 117:
how would you know even if you havent played the game, just curios
because its called google.com
i can tell you all the cheats and hints in all the games I have not played
the internet is a wonderful place
Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
08/07/08 3:35 am | #7
omg omg omg The Kidd is right but I see the other side of the coin. Thanks for the info
(no matter where it came from)
(no matter where it came from)
Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
08/07/08 10:56 am | #8
Quote by Repo Man 360:
omg omg omg The Kidd is right but I see the other side of the coin. Thanks for the info
(no matter where it came from)
(no matter where it came from)
you sound surprise that I am right...I dont see what the other site of the coin is. Anyone can post stuff, you just hit up one of the many sites you can get information from. I don't personally see what it matters if he has played the game or not. You can check out other sites to see comments from other people as to if the cheats or guides works. All in all...It's no biggy

Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
08/08/08 12:47 am | #9
I thank you for posting this info and I hope you continue to share these gems with Xbox America! The Kidd right twice in the same thread....no surprise

Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
08/08/08 1:59 am | #10
do you mean that the kidd was "right" twice in the same thread?
or the kidd "writes" twice in the same thread....i think its time we get over how many times someone posts in a thread, lol
or the kidd "writes" twice in the same thread....i think its time we get over how many times someone posts in a thread, lol
Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
08/09/08 7:08 pm | #11
No no bud "right" is what I meant. Post on brotha post on...are you #1 yet (I saw you were tied the other day

Re: Soulcalibur Cheats
08/09/08 8:46 pm | #12
Quote by Repo Man 360:
No no bud "right" is what I meant. Post on brotha post on...are you #1 yet (I saw you were tied the other day

LoL!...Postin On Postin On Indeed

I thought someone was going to mention the fact that I was #1
I asked boobs not to do the eternal ban hammer on me

but hey...i havent threadjacked a thread in while

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