So i tell my buddy to hop on halo 2. Havnt spoken to him in a while. He gets on and were in a custom game. Im like "My double shot has improved so much man, ill be quad shotting you all day". And hes like "Trust me even though i havnt played in a while i garuntee you i double shot better" i say bull, so were playing i come around a corner and its like he hit me with an auto BR. Im like holy crap dude. I come again get off my first double shot and do a backflip before i hit the ground. at the end of the game i was like WTF MAN HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD. Then he tells me.
"Well you should expect to get whooped like that playing someone with a double shot controller"
He spent 200$ on a controller to quad shot for him. Dam him and his rich foster parents lol.