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Closed: Serious question....

Posted Under: Politics
Serious question....

This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.

Since you did not reply to my posts about how important the military is to America I sort of went a little off topic.

What is funny is how when confronted with real world repercussions to possible Obama actions you do not know what to say.

Look at the PX next time you are on the base. Look at all of the every day items a soldier needs. Razors, shaving cream, underwear, socks, tooth paste, soap, and the list goes on. Cutting the number of troops in the military reduces the amount of items sold to them.

Then look at the military hardware that is needed to support the military. Every since nut, bolt, and washer comes from a US company. That is REQUIRED by federal law. Every scrap of material that goes into ANYTHING the military uses must come from the USA.

Even the raw material must come the US. Cut the military and see the impact on American Industry. Carter did it and look how bad our economy got. One example I know first hand. Carter cut the B1 bomber. Rockford Illinois had several companies who made parts for this program. They were all hurt and had to cut workers. Where do several thousand skilled workers find replacement jobs?

Take those several thousand skilled workers out of the tax base and what happens? Less tax money to spend on social welfare! See the problem now?

That is only one example of industry hurt by a cut programs to increase social welfare type of mentality.

So, lets look at some numbers. Like I said before. I work at a company that makes items for the defense industry. We have 60 employees. About 50% of our business is defense related and all aviation related.

Two programs get cut, that Obama has marked to be cut, F22 and F35. We loose half of our business. We lay off half of our work force. Lockheed who makes these two aircraft close plants in Georgia and Texas. Other companies around the US close because they no longer have contracts to make parts for the military. Companies in Illinois, New York, California, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Alaska, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and so on. Pretty much every state will be affected. So, 50 sates and say 20,000 per state, 1million out of work. How can loosing 1 million people fro the tax base because of two programs be canceled still allow for $1 trillion in new spending?

The math does not work too well.

So, making the same mistakes as Carter and Hoover do not make sense. So, how can cutting programs to use that money for social programs work? Answer that!

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Re: Serious question....

This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.

You still insult me, typical.

We also make parts for civilian aircraft.

Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, Right Guard, and many many more supply the military. They would suffer as well.

Forget the war. Prior to that the military was and still is a major driver of the US economy. Even with out war the military consumes a large amount of resources, and yes money. It also helps to drive the economy. Look back in history.

During Vietnam the US economy was in good shape, after the war, it fell off.

During the Reagan years the Economy started to grow quickly because the military was building back up. Clinton cut things and it began to falter.

Prior to World War II the entire world was in the worst economic shape ever. Military spending prior to and during the war straightened everything out.

Hoover cut the military. The Washington Naval treaties shut down shipyards after restricting warships. The US was in a major hurt at the time, people were out of work, but yet programs were cut.

The current mess the nation is in will correct itself. But the war is not to blame. Cutting spending from one department and shifting it to another will not work. It did not work in the 1930s, the 1970s and it will not work now.

To be honest we do not need tax cuts we need to raise taxes. We also need to make sure EVERYONE!!!!!!! Pays their fair share. That means those form the top down.

Since American industry has pretty much left the nation people are hurting for decent paying jobs. How can a machinist who made $15/hour live off of working at Mc Donalds or Wal-Mart?

Here is another example not related the military. The democratic platform does not support drilling for oil of shore of the US or in Alaska. They wish to use different sources, which I do agree with BTW. However shutting down the drilling industry and supporting industries will also hurt. Just as Reagans Trickle Down economic system worked, Trickle down manufacturing also works. It is a simple economic principle, supply and demand. With now demand for drilling pipe, that industry shuts down.

People will then say but they can change to another type of manufacturing. Sure, but not every factory or ex employee is suited to change.
Re: Serious question....

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Quote by PSORaine:

Oh GOD NO Shock, I'm not voting! I want no part in this cartoon character election!

Typical. Complain, Complain, BUT do nothing about it.

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Re: Serious question....

This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.

So industry then has to give money to people so they can buy a Hybrid?

Tax money is not spent drilling for oil.

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