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Closed: Serious question....

Posted Under: Politics

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Re: Serious question....

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I have no problem with a withdrawal from Iraq. A proper withdrawal that is, not just a cut and run. Going after terrorism is all fine with me.

But how can he support an extended war on terror when he has announced the programs he will cut for the military? How can he send in aircraft to make a surgical strike when there are not enough aircraft? How can he protect the US main land against a rouge state and a missile if he cuts Ballistic Missile Defense? How can he keep in check an ever growing China, Russia, India, Iran if he cuts programs?

It has been proven time and time again when a country weakens itself others take advantage.

But, since you have the answers I guess you are right. Cut programs and give the money to people who feel they are too good to work. Good plan.
Re: Serious question....

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Quote by Lou83:

What's your problem dude. We're all here to have fun and joke around. You're taking this shit too serious.

If you know knew me. I am really laughing at 90% of the replys I get.

PSORaine is SO easy to get worked up. It is funny!

When I start swearing and such, I am upset and being serious.
Re: Serious question....

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What is also funny is my point was proven. People are voting and have no idea why they are voting for who they are. They think they know the answers, but in reality. They do not.

Then one person after all her running of her mouth says, I am not voting. What the heck. Voting in the US is a privilege of every citizen and so many just jump on a band wagon and blindly follow it.

I wish the world was as simple as some make it out to be. Its not sitting at home playing videogames would be great, but somebody has to work and by the gamer scores I have seen on some of the people who have attacked me I can only imagine how much they work.
Re: Serious question....
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See, here at Xbox America we allow for civilized discussion of politics. I know this is traditionally an oxymoron on the internet, but I thought we were all mature enough to handle it. Apparently not.

This thread is locked.
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