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Archived: Saints Row

Saints Row
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

This user has donated $1+ to Xbox America.

Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

This user has written 10+ published Xbox America news articles.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


Pause the game and press the L or R Trigger until you reach your in-game phone. Now, select DIAL and enter one of the following numbers and press CALL. NOTE: you need not enter ( ) or -, because those are automatically entered when inputting a number. However, for the # and *, you must enter those in order to activate the cheat. Also not that numbers starting with a # are cheats, thus preventing achievements. Password Effect
911 Ambulance (Restores Health)
555-3765 Brown Baggers
5552445 Chicken Ned
#sunny clear skies
(555) 018-0174 Eagleline Yellow (Taxi Service)
#Shepherd Enables "Give .44 Shepherd"
#12Gauge Enables "Give 12 Gauge"
#AS12Riot Enables "Give AS12 Riot"
#3373352623 Enables "Give Fer De Lance", the best car in the game!
#GDHC50 Enables "Give GDHC .50"
#Grenade Enables "Give Hand Grenade"
#Knife Enables "Give Knife"
#Molotov Enables "Give Molotov Cocktail"
#Nightstick Enables "Give Nightstick"
#NR4 Enables "Give NR4"
#Pipebomb Enables "Give Pipe Bomb"
#7288537 Enables "Give Rattler"
#Rocket Enables "Give RPG Launcher"
#T3KUrban Enables "Give T3K Urban"
#Tombstone Enables "Give Tombstone"
#Vice9 Enables "Give Vice 9"
#936484 Enables "Give Zenith"
555-5966 Eye for an Eye Voodoo
#fullhealth Full Health
27409863 Give Ar-40 Xtnd Rifle
#66639 Give money
#pimpcane Gives a pimpcane shotgun
#10 God's Wrath (lightning strikes randomly)
555-9473 Grounds for Divorce
#AMMO Infinite Ammo
#SPRINT Infinite Sprint
555-9467 Legal Lee's
555-3863 Lik-a-Chick
#nocops No Cop Notoriety
#nogangs No Gang Notoriety
555-7296 On the Fence (Pawn Shop)
555-5926 On The Rag Clothing
555-3493 Rim Jobs
#shogun Shogun in garage
#2855364 Spawn a Bulldog
#bulldozer Spawn bulldozer
#AQUA spawn the Aqua car
#BETSY Spawns 'Betsy' in your garage
#CAVALLARO Spawns 'Cavallaro' in your garage
#HALBERD Spawns 'Halberd' in your garage
#KEYSTONE Spawns 'Keystone' in your garage
#TAXI Spawns 'Taxi' in your garage
#TRAXXMASTER Spawns 'TraxxMaster' in your garage
#22766 Spawns a Baron
#267667 Spawns a Cosmos in your garage
#3378469 Spawns a Destiny
#5878423 Spawns a Justice in your garage
#566636 Spawns a Komodo in your garage
#66732374 Spawns a Nordberg in your garage
#78682 Spawns a Quota
#7288537 Spawns a Rattler
#732737 Spawns a Reaper (Hurst)
#746486 Spawns a Shogun in your garage
#882727 Spawns a Tuasar in your garage
#867839 Spawns a Vortex in your garage
#936484 Spawns a Zenith in your garage
#262852623 Spawns an Anbulance in your garage
#268 Spawns an Ant
555-2626 Stocks
1-555-ITS-OVER Suicide Hotline
555-6238 The Dead Cow
#843562 The Job
555-455-8008 TNA Taxi Service
#42637867 Unlock Special GameStop T-Shirt Cheat
Re: Saints Row
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

This user has donated $1+ to Xbox America.

Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

This user has written 10+ published Xbox America news articles.


This user introduced himself or herself in the Introduce Yourself forum.

Cheat - Car List
Unverified. Go to your phone and put in each of these seperatly and they will go to your garage.

The second list are vehicles you cannot store in your car park.


Unlockable - Zombie Lin Homie
After the leader of the Westside Rollerz missions dies, you can have her come back as a zombie. Be sure to have a Reaper vehicle in the garage. Call Eye for an Eye (5555966) and you add her as a party member. She drives a hearse, beats people with her own arm, and sometimes eat a dead body also
Re: Saints Row
forgot online/multiplayer glitches.... need help pm me
1 83
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