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Recent Pick Ups
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Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/08/09 8:16 pm | #91
Baby are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day long! Oh wait this is pick ups, not pick up lines.
Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/09/09 12:23 am | #92
I picked up Spiderman - Friend or Foe and Transformers 2

Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/10/09 12:03 pm | #93
Do to the special offer us Gamestop employees get this weeken. I cashed out on what would have been 200 something dollars worth a games for just just $135!!!! wo0t wo0t!
i got:
Resistance 2 (PS3)
Socom Confrontation (PS3)
Uncharted Drakes Fortun (PS3)
And all the ones below are for the good ol Xbox
Perfect Dark Zero
Star Wars: TFU
Dead Space
Condemned 2 Bloodshot
Mirrors Edge
I also Reserved Modern Warfare 2 Limited Edition(You get a poster for doing so, regular reserve gets you a poster too), also reserved Mini Ninjas(FTW!!!), and Halo: ODST
Grand Total: $136.34........(employee benefits FTW)
Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/10/09 12:07 pm | #94
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
Do to the special offer us Gamestop employees get this weeken. I cashed out on what would have been 200 something dollars worth a games for just just $135!!!! wo0t wo0t!
i got:
Resistance 2 (PS3)
Socom Confrontation (PS3)
Uncharted Drakes Fortun (PS3)
And all the ones below are for the good ol Xbox
Perfect Dark Zero
Star Wars: TFU
Dead Space
Condemned 2 Bloodshot
Mirrors Edge
I also Reserved Modern Warfare 2 Limited Edition(You get a poster for doing so, regular reserve gets you a poster too), also reserved Mini Ninjas(FTW!!!), and Halo: ODST
Grand Total: $136.34........(employee benefits FTW)
i miss those benefits. i just picked up brothers in arms: HH, Mass Effect (again) and star wars: TFU for only 46.77!!!
Edit: oh and i was told that next weekend should be buy 2 get 1 free used again!! so if these prices r still around next weekend it would be sweet!!
Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/10/09 12:09 pm | #95
I got brothers in arms awhile back for 3 dollars

Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/10/09 1:46 pm | #96
I got Soul Calibur 4 CE, Saints Row 2 CE and Fallout 3 CE.... Woot!
All for less than a $100... Super Awesome Nerdalicous Deal!
Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/10/09 2:05 pm | #97
I picked up used copies of Oblivion: Game of the year edition and Beowulf the game. Beowulf was only 7.99
Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/11/09 12:14 am | #98
Picked up a 3 month old Xbox 360 Elite with 2 controllers, RB Guitar, Mic, and 10 games for $330.
Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/11/09 1:31 am | #99
Just got a bag of chips from the gas station. Lays BBQ FTW.
Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/11/09 6:13 pm | #100
just bought
blacksite area 51
just cause
kingdom under fire
Quantum of Solace
Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/11/09 6:51 pm | #101
Quote by Kent K25:
Picked up a 3 month old Xbox 360 Elite with 2 controllers, RB Guitar, Mic, and 10 games for $330.
damn now that is the deal of the year right there
Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/11/09 7:57 pm | #102
Just got Pure from Costco. Great game
Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/15/09 1:23 pm | #103
Got NCAA Football 10 from the free video game site yesterday
Re: Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/15/09 1:24 pm | #104
Quote by Kent K25:
Got NCAA Football 10 from the free video game site yesterday
dang...maybe i should staring going to this site you speak of lol
Re: Recent Pick Ups
07/15/09 5:38 pm | #105
I posted a thread about it on here, but was met with much cynicism. It's all good though, I didn't buy it at first either.
12 games later I'm loving it.
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