Recent Pick Ups
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rockstars table tennis
2 cops of Fight Night Round 3 (one for me and one for my brother-in-law)
Luigi statue for my wife
dmc hd collection
game of thrones
lotr trilogy
picking up tomorrow:
dmc 4
dead space 2
Fable: The Journey
Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse
Duke Nukem
Pre-Ordered and paid off:
Bioshock Infinite
Crysis 3
2 - 2TB Internal Hard drives
LG 55" LED TV (May take it back to get the one I actually wanted) They guy told me it had 4 HDMI inputs so I bought it only to find out it has 2.
Got it for $20 at work. I think someone might have made a mistake and marked it down too much, but screw it, works for me.
Soul Calibur V
Hitman: Absolution
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