Sticky: Rate the last game you played
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Re: Rate the last game you played
09/15/09 11:29 am | #91
History Channel Civil War Secret Missions 1/10 only because it has easy achievements.
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/15/09 11:30 am | #92
Madden NFL 07
It's alright, i was just playing it for achievements.
It's alright, i was just playing it for achievements.
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/15/09 5:56 pm | #93
ok here's the choices of what I want to play next, you guys choose for me:
Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)
The Legend of Ocarina of Time: Master Quest (Gamecube)
Metal Gear Solid (Gamecube)
Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)
Parasite Eve (PS1)
Edit: Parasite Eve
Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)
The Legend of Ocarina of Time: Master Quest (Gamecube)
Metal Gear Solid (Gamecube)
Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)
Parasite Eve (PS1)
Edit: Parasite Eve
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/15/09 6:06 pm | #94
metal gear solid on gcube. im playin the origional on ps3 now and i m lovin every minute!!
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/15/09 6:10 pm | #95
lol that's 1 vote for Metal Gear, first game to get 3 votes wins.
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/15/09 6:11 pm | #96
metal gear, metal gear, metal gear lol i win!

Re: Rate the last game you played
09/15/09 6:14 pm | #97
lol smartass ok fine Metal gear wins....I guess.
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/17/09 1:41 am | #98
alright, Metal Gear Solid (Gamecube) 9.5/10
Re: Re: Rate the last game you played
09/17/09 1:42 am | #99
Quote by Krueger1428:
alright, Metal Gear Solid (Gamecube) 9.5/10
Huh?! What's that?! Oh, it's just a box.

Re: Rate the last game you played
09/17/09 1:43 am | #100
Dragon Quest VIII (PS2)!!!!!!!
Loved it but never finished it
Left 4 Dead 9/10 needs more variety but very fun in co-op
Loved it but never finished it
Left 4 Dead 9/10 needs more variety but very fun in co-op
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/17/09 1:44 am | #101
"!" da da da da da......da da da SNAKE!!!!!!!!
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/17/09 1:44 am | #102
Dragon Quest VIII fucking rock, good choice.
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/17/09 1:46 am | #103
darkest of days. FUCKING HORRIBLE 1/10 if it wernt for the easy pts i would stop where im at and say FUCK IT. i think i may try what the guide on x360a says and play it on easy and just reload the last chapter at the end on "with chest hair" to get that achievement. it just better work
Re: Rate the last game you played
09/17/09 1:48 am | #104
lol yeah I skipped the demo for DOD because that game looked so fucking bad. Also, if I know my achievements Orange, I don't think that trick will work, lol.
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