NBA 2k12 : 4/10 - Idk if it's me or what, but a third of the cheevos are glitched and I cannot obtain them. The game is not great enough to get a higher rating in my perspective. 2k games are not on my good side.
Sticky: Rate the last game you played
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Re: Rate the last game you played
02/20/12 2:53 am | #721
Saints Row : 7/10 - I absolutely love the game, I'm all about the story mode and gang affiliations, but let's be honest, the cheevos are a drag to get and the hard ones are only like 10g.
NBA 2k12 : 4/10 - Idk if it's me or what, but a third of the cheevos are glitched and I cannot obtain them. The game is not great enough to get a higher rating in my perspective. 2k games are not on my good side.
NBA 2k12 : 4/10 - Idk if it's me or what, but a third of the cheevos are glitched and I cannot obtain them. The game is not great enough to get a higher rating in my perspective. 2k games are not on my good side.
Re: Rate the last game you played
02/20/12 3:48 am | #722
Darkest of days- 3/10 - if you can put aside about 6 hours, you will have the 1000. It's not so bad once you play it a bit..but it's not good. If you like some parts it's like your in the civil war which is cool. But the story is atrocious.
Re: Rate the last game you played
02/20/12 4:10 am | #723
UFC Undisuputed 3 - 8/10 career mode is awesome and really addictive, although there's still server connections issues for online. it's a good representation of Mixed Martial Arts as a whole though.
Re: Re: Rate the last game you played
02/20/12 4:31 am | #724
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
although there's still server connections issues for online.

Re: Rate the last game you played
02/26/12 9:57 pm | #725
I'll rate some old games people have probably already played 
Call of Duty: World at War : 8.5/10 - Great game! Multiplayer is awesome, zombies are amazing, and the campaign is fun, challenging, and glitch-free ! Recommended for everyone.
Toy Story 3 : 6.5/10 - This game is really fun, but not the game for me. I'm not a big fan of completion games. If you love searching and scavenging for "every piece of the puzzle" this is your kind of game. 100% completion and devoted time towards the game will result in 1000/1000g.
Major League Baseball 2k6 : 9/10 - Time consuming but not difficult by any means. Preparing rosters, entering cheat codes, and playing the right ammount of games will reward you with 1000/1000g
Just give it about 3-6 hours.

Call of Duty: World at War : 8.5/10 - Great game! Multiplayer is awesome, zombies are amazing, and the campaign is fun, challenging, and glitch-free ! Recommended for everyone.
Toy Story 3 : 6.5/10 - This game is really fun, but not the game for me. I'm not a big fan of completion games. If you love searching and scavenging for "every piece of the puzzle" this is your kind of game. 100% completion and devoted time towards the game will result in 1000/1000g.
Major League Baseball 2k6 : 9/10 - Time consuming but not difficult by any means. Preparing rosters, entering cheat codes, and playing the right ammount of games will reward you with 1000/1000g

Re: Rate the last game you played
02/28/12 3:38 am | #726
It is skyrim.
Re: Rate the last game you played
04/04/12 5:21 am | #727
Plants Vs. Zombies 9/10 Fallout: New Vegas 9/10 They're some great games.
Re: Rate the last game you played
04/04/12 11:02 pm | #728
MTG 2012 - 9/10 (Challenging and worth the money if you are a fan or player of MTG)
Re: Rate the last game you played
04/04/12 11:12 pm | #729
shadow of the damned 8/10
Re: Rate the last game you played
05/13/12 11:46 pm | #730
AC Revelations - 8.5/10
I'm only rating the story mode as I haven't touched the MP. I enjoyed the story mode thoroughly except for the Den Defense feature they added. I fucking hate tower defense games. I'm just glad that throughout my entire play-thru of the story mode, I only had to do one den defense after the initial intro to it towards the beginning. The fucking cannon was worthless against the battering ram. The whole mini-game is pretty useless since you can take the den right back anyway by killing the Templar captain and burning the tower again.
I'm only rating the story mode as I haven't touched the MP. I enjoyed the story mode thoroughly except for the Den Defense feature they added. I fucking hate tower defense games. I'm just glad that throughout my entire play-thru of the story mode, I only had to do one den defense after the initial intro to it towards the beginning. The fucking cannon was worthless against the battering ram. The whole mini-game is pretty useless since you can take the den right back anyway by killing the Templar captain and burning the tower again.
Re: Rate the last game you played
05/14/12 12:47 am | #731
MGS: Peace Walker 7.5/10
Decent game, the Outer Heaven (mother Base) feature is pretty cool
Decent game, the Outer Heaven (mother Base) feature is pretty cool
Re: Rate the last game you played
05/14/12 12:52 am | #732
Kingdoms of Amalur 8.5/10
Re: Rate the last game you played
05/14/12 2:07 am | #733
the last few games i have rented from gamefly:
BF3-7/10, good but not great and with the pass being like 10 bucks it didn't help my final rating.
marvel ultimate alliance 2- 8/10, im kinda biased and i know this game offered less in terms of extras and customization and the dlc is no longer for sale on XBL but i just love this type of game.
dead island-9/10, great game,if paced this game could last a person like 2 weeks just because of all the things to do and achievements to get.
silent hill hd-8/10, good remastered game kinda slow but still worth a rent.
BF3-7/10, good but not great and with the pass being like 10 bucks it didn't help my final rating.
marvel ultimate alliance 2- 8/10, im kinda biased and i know this game offered less in terms of extras and customization and the dlc is no longer for sale on XBL but i just love this type of game.
dead island-9/10, great game,if paced this game could last a person like 2 weeks just because of all the things to do and achievements to get.
silent hill hd-8/10, good remastered game kinda slow but still worth a rent.
Re: Rate the last game you played
05/14/12 6:52 pm | #734
Last game i played was last night NCAA 2012 football and i would give it a 6.5 out of 10. maybe its just me but the controls are much complicated than all the games ive played. i mean theres so many difference scenarios, (i.e. pre-offense, offense, when ball is in air, defense, special temas, punt and receiving) and each buttons correspondence is different for each scenarios. So confusing!
Re: Rate the last game you played
07/22/12 6:35 am | #735
Final Fantasy XIII P-2 9/10 was worth buying it.
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