Archived: Random Pictures
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Quote by CRAWFORD696:

I lol'd on that one. Nice find.

Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Heres another funny one.

Quote by Cruz:
Quote by Michael:

i'll hit that........with a stick!
you say with a stick......
but we all know what you mean
i bet ur computer has drool on the keyboard and jizz on the screen now

Quote by Cruz:
Quote by Braz:
you say with a stick......
but we all know what you mean
i bet ur computer has drool on the keyboard and jizz on the screen now
ahh you caught me
even fat girls need love....but they got to pay!
sorry man there is not enough money in the world for me......
Quote by Cruz:
Quote by Braz:
sorry man there is not enough money in the world for me......
maybe lots and lots of alcohol and a memory wipe?
sooo......where does the penis go, without being sucks in and lost forever
no alcohol for me....but she is a 2 bagger..... a bag over her head and a bag over the guys incase hers falls off
in her nom nom
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