Archived: Random Pictures
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Psh... If there is a funnier re-post than Lou's there, this is it.
Quote by xMike:

Psh... If there is a funnier re-post than Lou's there, this is it.
Its a VERY close tie. LOL

Quote by Mudkip:

Good song.

Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
:facepalm: ^^^
First of all, that's not a 'random picture'. Second, I believe there's a thread for videos. Third, after reading the title I didn't even watch it because I'm not a sick fuck like you, apparently.
Quote by AJ:
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
:facepalm: ^^^
First of all, that's not a 'random picture'. Second, I believe there's a thread for videos. Third, after reading the title I didn't even watch it because I'm not a sick fuck like you, apparently.
Agreed, don't know why you put it in here dude. Could've put it in "laugh you lose", or Random Thoughts.

Quote by xMike:
Quote by AJ:
:facepalm: ^^^
First of all, that's not a 'random picture'. Second, I believe there's a thread for videos. Third, after reading the title I didn't even watch it because I'm not a sick fuck like you, apparently.
Agreed, don't know why you put it in here dude. Could've put it in "laugh you lose", or Random Thoughts.


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