Archived: Random Facts about You
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Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 1:22 am | #31
Shit...a b c oh wait I mean Z y x q p oh hell I FAIL just take me to Jail!!!
Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 1:24 am | #32
thats the real reason all drunk drivers are sent to jail....too much work to recite it backwards lol
Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 1:27 am | #33
Actually most people can't do that sober. Its a test to see if you're dumb enough to try or just tell them its too hard.
Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 1:28 am | #34
the way society is going today im glad people can recite the alphabet normally lol
Re: Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 1:35 am | #35
Quote by Bullets Chase:
When I was six, I once shit myself in class thinking it was a fart. To my surprise, t'was not.
i just shit myself laughing my ass off.
Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 4:13 am | #36
I am scary good at imitating certain voices. Haven't broken a bone(so far). Once while pruning some bushes, I accidentally cut a little way into my pinky finger and the resultant scar has permanently altered my fingerprint for that finger.
That seems to be good for starters.
That seems to be good for starters.
Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 7:55 am | #37
I can't get enough peanut butter, and I always try to type on the internet with proper grammar and punctuation(IDK why).
Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 9:00 am | #38
I once ate a Twinkie cover in mustard wrap with a earthworm to fine a bet! Then I started eating them all the time

Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 10:56 am | #40
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha you drank pee! PeeTea FTW.
Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 11:28 am | #42
i once crushed my nuts so hard i woke up in the hospital. i drove a nascar stock car 2 times. i have paranormal experiences when i was younger. i use to be somewhat friends with bam margera. ive owned 16 cars in 6 years. my anniversary is on mischief night and ive been dating the same girl for 6 years. that it all for now
Re: Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 3:12 pm | #44
Quote by Lady Evol:
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite candy IN THE WORLD!!!!
Reeses pieces has nothing coffee crisps, sorry
Re: Re: Re: Random Facts about You
11/09/09 3:35 pm | #45
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by ReDeFiNe PRiDe:
I am completely blind in my right eye. I never learned how to properly tie my shoes. I was a 3 time state champion wrestler but never got a scholarship cause of my blindness v_v
You ever seen that movie "Over the top" with stallone? Fucking awesome film!!!
Over the Top FTW!!!