I dont know if any of you have seen this yet but i thought it was hilarious.
Archived: Rambo Vs. Terror
Posted Under: Entertainment
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Rambo Vs. Terror
02/07/08 11:41 am | #1
Rambo VS. Terror pt. 1
I dont know if any of you have seen this yet but i thought it was hilarious.
I dont know if any of you have seen this yet but i thought it was hilarious.
Re: Rambo Vs. Terror
02/07/08 12:44 pm | #2
HOLY JEEZ. THAT'S GOOD. I want part 2 god damnit!
Re: Rambo Vs. Terror
02/07/08 1:28 pm | #4
Screw you
. That's awesome

Re: Rambo Vs. Terror
02/07/08 1:42 pm | #5
i want a part 3. but as far as i know there isnt one yet.
Re: Rambo Vs. Terror
02/07/08 7:47 pm | #6
thats pretty funny
Re: Rambo Vs. Terror
02/07/08 9:58 pm | #7
That was a lot better than I thought it was going to be haha.
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