<- that is an....odd song....i thin its talking about kids shooting up some place or robbing a store/ odd
Archived: Raine is a Haxxor
Posted Under: Off-Topic
Re: Raine is a Haxxor
11/05/08 8:37 pm | #46
meg...thats....different...i guess.... <- that is an....odd song....i thin its talking about kids shooting up some place or robbing a store/ odd <- that is an....odd song....i thin its talking about kids shooting up some place or robbing a store/ odd
Re: Raine is a Haxxor
11/05/08 9:04 pm | #47
On topic. Hah.
Re: Raine is a Haxxor
11/05/08 9:06 pm | #48
zomfgz0r pedo!!! pedo!! pedo!!!
omg i just realized, kamikaze's sig pic is the pip-boy thing from fallout (never played them, but ive seen the pipboy wrist thing) and it says it...
so THATS what tk had as his sig pic thing...i never really paid attention
omg i just realized, kamikaze's sig pic is the pip-boy thing from fallout (never played them, but ive seen the pipboy wrist thing) and it says it...
so THATS what tk had as his sig pic thing...i never really paid attention