When you quote a post, the post you're quoting will be automatically corrected to be well-formed. This will prevent the nesting of your own post within theirs.
Archived: Quoting Issue Resolved
Posted Under: Site News & Updates
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Quoting Issue Resolved
01/10/09 10:48 am | #1
I've resolved the issue where quoting a malformed post would result in your post appearing within the quote.
When you quote a post, the post you're quoting will be automatically corrected to be well-formed. This will prevent the nesting of your own post within theirs.
When you quote a post, the post you're quoting will be automatically corrected to be well-formed. This will prevent the nesting of your own post within theirs.
Re: Quoting Issue Resolved
01/10/09 11:18 am | #3
now we dont have to worry about pyramids with text inside of quotes
now we dont have to worry about pyramids with text inside of quotes

Re: Quoting Issue Resolved
01/10/09 11:32 am | #4
YAY love you boobs lol
Re: Quoting Issue Resolved
01/10/09 12:56 pm | #5
Woot I can quote again!
Re: Quoting Issue Resolved
01/10/09 1:12 pm | #6
thank you sir.
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