Archived: Partner Apply here:
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Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 2:25 am | #1
Ok so I will be getting Army of two in a couple of days so I'm putting out a call for a good co-op partner......................any takers?? must be able to hang with the big boys and like being a gamerwhore like me lol
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 2:27 am | #2
I might be down Crook...I got it from gamefly yesterday (Tuesday) and have managed 555 points in about 6 hours of gameplay. I havent started the online achievements and I believe there are others here willing to boost some!
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 2:29 am | #3
Send me a friends request and we can make soemthing happen. I still need the hardest diffiuclty completed (EVOL and i are working on and of on it) and have most of the weapons acheivemnets. Still fun and will help out however i can. I know some good strageties for some of the weapon ones!!
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 2:30 am | #4
I might be down Crook...I got it from gamefly yesterday (Tuesday) and have managed 555 points in about 6 hours of gameplay. I havent started the online achievements and I believe there are others here willing to boost some!
Set it up man....i will be there
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 2:35 am | #5
Quote by PhatCodyLee:
Send me a friends request and we can make soemthing happen. I still need the hardest diffiuclty completed (EVOL and i are working on and of on it) and have most of the weapons acheivemnets. Still fun and will help out however i can. I know some good strageties for some of the weapon ones!!
Yeah you can get the pistol, smg, and assault rifle 250 kill achievement just by replaying the tutorial a few times. At the very end of it you can get about 100 kill with one weapon that count towards the total. Check out they got a pretty damn good guide. I havent even beat the game yet and I gots the Million dollar achievement which if you did it "legit" would take over 3 playthroughs
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 2:50 am | #6
Lets do the online ones....I think i will be open all saturday night and can probally get antoher to join then also if that time works for anyone else....let me know!!! I dont know the best way to boost them but im sure we can finger it out!!
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 8:17 am | #7
If i could rent it i would sadly i have not even a dollar to my name
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 10:24 am | #8
Id be more than happy to help you guys out...Although me and Repo are running through Professional...but I will need those online achievies...I have it on my next gamefly I'll be needing someone as well
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 11:12 am | #9
I would have helped you, the campaign is fairly easy, somewhat.
I already rented it when it first came out, sorry. fun campaign, didn't care for online much

Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 12:53 pm | #10
yeah i with meg...i never really cared for the online play but if I find someone to boost the achievemtns with I will be more than happy to do it with someone
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 4:16 pm | #13
Hey guys...I just got an email from gamefly saying my copy of ARMY OF 2 is on its once I get it I'll let ya'll know...we can jump on some online achievements
Re: Partner Apply here:
07/17/08 4:22 pm | #15
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
and I can't seem to pull myself away from UT3 lol.
Psh...I took my copy back to gamestop to get my $54 back