So, I call, and get a dude, and he tells me to call back in an hour or two because they are updating something, and that was after I waited 10 minutes after he said "hold on one moment".
I call back 2 hours later, and tell him what happened. He told me the guy was probably just trying to go home early and should have helped me. I explain everything, and he asked for the error. So I turn on my XBOX, without the hard drive, and it works. I tell him its working and end the call.
I put my hard drive back in, and got the error message. I call again, and get another person not wanting to help too much. I told her that it was probably my hard drive, and all she said was to take it back or send it in, not giving an adress, or asking the error number. Pretty bad.
I then go to Best Buy today, and they have no harddrives. So, I call again. This time, I got someone who actually knew what he was doing. I tell him everything, and he asked for the error number. He ended up just issueing a whole system repair, incase its a malfunction with the system connecting to HDs or something, IDK.
So basicly, I dont find Microsoft's customer service as good as people say. I will update everyone on the issue, my issue...
And yeah, the game I rented, I told them about it, and they could give a rat's ass, so I basicly wasted $5. I honestly wouldnt care if it was my fault the system broke, but when its not mine, and I cant play a rented game, its pretty agrivating.