Archived: Nintendo64 or xbox360
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 1:41 pm | #1
just choose
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 2:06 pm | #2
if 64 had online then yes it kicked a$$ but i go 360
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 2:11 pm | #4
I had more fun with the 64 than any other console. If I had any AV cables for it I'd be playing Super Mario 64 right now.
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 2:35 pm | #5
64 was a great console...but I'd still have to go with the 360
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 2:54 pm | #6
64 was great...but so is the 360. if the 64 had rockband or 360 had goldeneye this would be an easy choice, but becasue 360 has online, gotta go with the xbox
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 2:57 pm | #7
360 Online pwns all.
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 3:56 pm | #8
360 except for Goldeneye-
I still remeber how cool the RAM module was for the N64 though - OMG - I can play South Park now
I still remeber how cool the RAM module was for the N64 though - OMG - I can play South Park now
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 4:06 pm | #9
It would be kick ass if 360 could get Goldeneye as an Arcade game
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 4:25 pm | #10
360 first and foremost,xbox,ps3,ps2,nes, and then maybeeee... n64.

Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 5:30 pm | #11
the n64 was amazing, Donkey Kong + original Super Smash Bros = best games out there. srsly. so was the original Paper Mario (mighta been super? idk) and pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 were da bomb
but cause it has live, i gotta go w/ the 360
but cause it has live, i gotta go w/ the 360
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 5:37 pm | #12
I guess I'm the only one that doesn't need online gaming...
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 6:17 pm | #13
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
the n64 was amazing, Donkey Kong + original Super Smash Bros = best games out there. srsly. so was the original Paper Mario (mighta been super? idk) and pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 were da bomb
but cause it has live, i gotta go w/ the 360
but cause it has live, i gotta go w/ the 360
Seriously...Dont ask me why, but Paper Mario might have been the ONLY turn based game I was able to get
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 7:02 pm | #14
Quote by MDub93:
I guess I'm the only one that doesn't need online gaming...
well i could live w/o it, but mainly the fact n64 is cant really play it anymore

the main thing i like about 360 over everytihng (playstation, original xbox, n64, etc) is the achievements. its just too hard for me to go back to a game knowing that i wont hear the "bloop" and see "achievement unlocked!"
Re: Nintendo64 or xbox360
07/31/08 7:19 pm | #15
Quote by MDub93:
I had more fun with the 64 than any other console. If I had any AV cables for it I'd be playing Super Mario 64 right now.
Dub the cables you need are in my closet. If you guys need stuff for older systems I got it all.
AV cables - NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Dreamcast, Playstation, PS II, Xbox
Power cords - Same as above.
controlers - (SNES Arcade stick, light Guns, and a few odd pads) Some N64 (arcade pad), Gamecube
Dreamcast...controlers W/4 of those VMU's I think there called.
Tons of Playstation controlers.....2 Namco Swivel analog's (ridge racer) Very Rare, also one with a anolog steering thumb wheel, A one handed controler, Several of the Big blue Boomarang Alps controlers (best D Pad ever on any controler ever made) it will also work with PS2. And a bunch of others.
Xbox controlers - The big ones, Type S, and Mini's (Several wireless)
Memory Cards - Playstation, Dreamcast
Headsets - 4 socom navy seals headsets
Cheating - Several Gamesharks
I need to get rid of some of this stuff. Send PM and it's yours.