Archived: New verizon droid
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New verizon droid
10/29/09 9:48 am | #1
Anybody else planning on getting the new Android phone by motorola coming out in the next few weeks? My contract has been up for the last 2 months, and ive been holding out for this thing. Anybody else have an android phone an what do you like an dislike about it?
Re: New verizon droid
10/29/09 11:29 am | #2
i like my t-mobile my touch 3g

Re: New verizon droid
10/29/09 12:39 pm | #3
yeah that my touch is a pretty sweet phone. i was thinking about getting that or the blackberry curve, then i went with the curve. its a sick phone compared to my old blackberyy pearl
Re: New verizon droid
10/29/09 1:09 pm | #4
I've got the T-Mobile G1, it's awesome
Re: New verizon droid
10/29/09 2:08 pm | #5
dude i love my 3g when i get bored ill pull up the ak47 app and pop off a few caps lol
Re: New verizon droid
10/30/09 10:54 am | #6
Haha, I got that same one. I've done that in a restaurant before with the sound way up on accident, that was good. And the sound grenade, shoot that thing off and watch the reactions around you. Some people can't hear it but to those that can its annoying as hell.
Re: New verizon droid
10/30/09 12:20 pm | #7
iPhone FTW.
Re: Re: New verizon droid
10/30/09 12:38 pm | #8
Quote by AJ:
iPhone FTW.
oh yeaaaaah. Microsoft is just catching up to apple in phone technology.
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