Archived: New member
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Re: New member
06/23/08 1:59 pm | #2
good job taking my advice and making you own topic 
Welcome to XBA, where anything goes and is possible
keep away from the fridge, youll know it if you see it

Welcome to XBA, where anything goes and is possible

keep away from the fridge, youll know it if you see it
Re: New member
06/23/08 2:01 pm | #4
Congrats popping your thread virginity! lol @ chat
some things sound better thought than spoken :\
some things sound better thought than spoken :\
Re: New member
06/23/08 2:01 pm | #5
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
good job taking my advice and making you own topic 

wth...i told him to do it too, freaking attention
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
keep away from the fridge, youll know it if you see it
yeah...its the one with the big burley drunk next to it passed can usually sneak out a bud light or two...but he steals hats so be careful
Glad to see you on here man, you seem pretty cool since we are talking in chat right stay frequent and you'll meet a lot of cool people.
Happy Gaming!
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
Congrats popping your thread virginity! lol @ chat
some things sound better thought than spoken
some things sound better thought than spoken
and that my friend....was one of them.....LoL
Re: New member
06/23/08 3:06 pm | #8
lol, welcome to Xbox America!
Re: New member
06/23/08 3:28 pm | #9
Re: New member
06/23/08 3:37 pm | #10
Welcome to XBA
Re: New member
06/23/08 3:43 pm | #11
Hello Shock
Re: New member
06/23/08 5:52 pm | #13
Welcome! I see you play rock band AND cod4, my two favorites! Send me a FR and we can jam on either sometime.