Well, we got some bad news. We took Ruby to the Vet to get her check up and distempermant shot...and she's really sick. Aside from being underweight, being anemic, and having pneumonia, she has water on her brain...Yea, great day...
We had to bring her back to the pet store by today to get our money back...but we just couldn't part with her. The Vet had said that she will be a great dog if we were to keep her, but she will eventually have some rather costly vet bills. It seems like she's put a little weight on; she's eaten well the past two days, and has been very playful and energetic
Poor dog, I guess the place we bought her from actually got her from a puppy mill in Kansas. The Vet wouldn't even give her a distempermant shot, saying that she was too sickly when we brought her. She's got some meds for the pneumonia, and the first night she took them she coughed a hell of a lot, but her cough seems to have gone away now, which is good. She's due back next week.
Yea, it may become expensive, but we just couldn't part with the cute little girl for the pet store to just kill her; the vet said she's clearly been abused for a while. How can people do that?!

We'll take care of her and keep her healthy!