Closed: New Batman DLC Sept 17
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 12:58 am | #1
So get this, I was at looking at the new DLC dropping Sept 17 and 24th. So the first ones called Insane Night DLC pack and the other one is called Prey in the darkness DLC pack. So guess what the first DLC(Insane Night) is going to have.......The dem bones map pack and the crime alley map pack. What kind of bullshit is this. The dem bones was suppose to be exclusive to pre order at gamestop and crime alley was exclusive to collectors edition. I'm sure glad I wasted 99.99 for the extra map that no one else would get. Not sure whats on the other DLC. So am I the only one that thinks this is bullshit?
Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:10 am | #2
you're not the only one, no.
like i said earlier, there's no such thing as a 60$ 360 game anymore.
MS was pretty slick back in the day. a game would come out with tons of content, and after a month or two you'd see a little add on or what not. now? jesus christ, let's put this game on the market and release a 10 dollar add on the next day.
at least a couple years ago it almost seemed like the add was just that. an ADD on. it's been very clear recently that they intentionally leave stuff out of the game, just so you have to spend that little extra when all is said and done. it's really been pissing me off.
like i said earlier, there's no such thing as a 60$ 360 game anymore.
MS was pretty slick back in the day. a game would come out with tons of content, and after a month or two you'd see a little add on or what not. now? jesus christ, let's put this game on the market and release a 10 dollar add on the next day.
at least a couple years ago it almost seemed like the add was just that. an ADD on. it's been very clear recently that they intentionally leave stuff out of the game, just so you have to spend that little extra when all is said and done. it's really been pissing me off.
Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:17 am | #3
You know, I was going to pre-order this for the DEM BONES map...but I had a feeling that they would do that, it's gotten to where now you just pay the extra money for the fancy case (in which the Batman you got a spiffy batarang with it, but still)
I agree with you guys on this, this is bogus, complete bogus
I agree with you guys on this, this is bogus, complete bogus
Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:19 am | #4
Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:21 am | #5
wtf is your problem?
Re: Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:22 am | #6
Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:27 am | #7
This is the kinda bullshit threads that you find on x360a. Pointless complaining about shit that we have absolutely no control over. Oh wait, we do. If you're tired of Microsoft or EA or whomever ripping you off then don't fuckin buy the shit!
Re: Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:28 am | #8
Quote by iKidd:
wtf is your problem?
i could say somethin'.... i should say somethin'...
refraining...... breath in... AAAHHHH.... refraining.

Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:30 am | #9
Are you refraining from saying something to him? Or are you refraining something from me?
Are you refraining from saying something to him? Or are you refraining something from me?
Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:32 am | #10
refraining from lashing out on irish, kidd lol. not you.
i really should have left this thread alone....
i really should have left this thread alone....

Re: Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:33 am | #11
Quote by IRiSH OH:
This is the kinda bullshit threads that you find on x360a. Pointless complaining about shit that we have absolutely no control over. Oh wait, we do. If you're tired of Microsoft or EA or whomever ripping you off then don't fuckin buy the shit!
So you never complained about anything microsoft does? I should be mad, I was loyal enough to pre order and I bought the collectors edition. So if gamestop says something is exclusive, they should honor their word. Its not fucking rocket science irish dick, its a perfectly normal thing to be upset.
Re: Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:34 am | #12
Quote by Noah 9000:
refraining from lashing out on irish, kidd lol. not you.
i really should have left this thread alone....

i really should have left this thread alone....

I should have just left it alone too. I'm sorry, nothing personal but I get tired off the pissing and moaning.
Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:36 am | #13
............................fuck it, nevermind
............................fuck it, nevermind
Re: Re: Re: New Batman DLC Sept 17
09/13/09 1:36 am | #14
Quote by IRiSH OH:
Quote by Noah 9000:
refraining from lashing out on irish, kidd lol. not you.
i really should have left this thread alone....

i really should have left this thread alone....

I should have just left it alone too. I'm sorry, nothing personal but I get tired off the pissing and moaning.
Yes you should have left it alone. Your a hypocrite. you say you get tired of the complaining, but yet, you come onto this thread and complain about people complaining. Thats fucking retarded. This is the one thing I hate about xboxamerica. You have certain motherfuckers that talk shit for no reason "irish oh"
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