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Archived: New Addition to the gamer family
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Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:09 pm | #16
Congrats for true, Mini!!! What names are you considering? I heard AJ is a pretty fuckin' awesome one..
Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:09 pm | #17
For a girl? LMAO
No my wife picked out the name already Sylvia Jane....
Edit: Holy rusted metal batman! I had the 200000th post.
Re: Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:10 pm | #18
Quote by Minioger:
For a girl? LMAO
No my wife picked out the name already Sylvia Jane....
... SJ, I dunno if I like the ring of that
I guess I'll let it slide.
Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:10 pm | #19
Congratulations!! I have a little girl myself and beleive kids are the greatest joy in life, enjoy it.
Re: Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:15 pm | #22
Quote by Lady Evol:
Congrats, MINI! A little girlfriend for Matty!!!!!
Uh oh, already arranging a date huh...?
Does this work?
EDIT: Bonus, thanks Lady Evol!
Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:17 pm | #23
congrats new life to earth
Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:19 pm | #24
congratulations man!! and good luck once May comes around!
Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:46 pm | #26
Thanks everyone. I'm totally stoked. It will be over 9 years since I had my last child, my son will be 9 in about a week and he will be at 10k gamerscore probably before his birthday!
Re: Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:47 pm | #27
Quote by Minioger:
Thanks everyone. I'm totally stoked. It will be over 9 years since I had my last child, my son will be 9 in about a week and he will be at 10k gamerscore probably before his birthday!
Oh geez... Another gamerscore whore in the making... Is he a completionist like his daddy?
Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:48 pm | #28
Not even a little bit. He does enjoy the gamerscore though.....
Re: Re: Re: New Addition to the gamer family
01/09/10 11:50 pm | #30
Quote by Lady Evol:
Quote by Minioger:
For a girl? LMAO
Did AJ not tell people his initials stand for Allison Jane????
Oh, was I not supposed to tell???

That's it, I want the surveillance around my home taken down NOW! I can't trust you with ANYTHING anymore... Geez.
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