To unlock all in-game fantasy drivers, enter "Race the Pack" (minus the quotes) at the cheats menu.
Archived: Nascar 08
Posted Under: 360 Hints, Tips, and Cheats
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Nascar 08
09/08/07 9:37 am | #1
Unlockable: Fantasy Drivers
To unlock all in-game fantasy drivers, enter "Race the Pack" (minus the quotes) at the cheats menu.
To unlock all in-game fantasy drivers, enter "Race the Pack" (minus the quotes) at the cheats menu.
Re: Nascar 08
09/08/07 12:01 pm | #2
Wal-Mart Exclusive car and track:
Enter WALMART EVERYDAY as a code
All chase cars:
Enter CHECKERED FLAG as a code.
EA Sports Car:
Enter EA SPORTS CAR as a code.
Enter WALMART EVERYDAY as a code
All chase cars:
Enter CHECKERED FLAG as a code.
EA Sports Car:
Enter EA SPORTS CAR as a code.
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