Quote by meg a destr0yer:
Oh hell yeah, a new wave of invites must have gone out, because last night I was booted off Live, only to sign back in and find a console update waiting for me. Processing the update like any other, it ran for a little under a minute, and then restarted my 360. What to my wondering eyes did appear, but a message saying "Please wait while NXE is being installed". A minute or two later, and I was customizing my avatar
I have to say that it is pretty awesome; you have to make an avatar, but it leaves your old Gamerpic by default. There is an option to take a picture of your avatar's face and use it as a gamerpic, but you are not pushed to do so. I also had some qualms about how the blade interface would work when the guide was brought up in game, but it looks awesome and it is great to have the whole dashboard right in the Xbox Guide.
Unfortunately I didn't get to explore every nook and cranny of the NXE, since I got it late last night, but from what I saw I was really liking it. There is an option to quick launch games you have on your hard drive, I was feeling the new Zune-like interface, and my avatar looks pretty cool, if I don't say so myself. I'm not sure if it does this all the time, but when I restarted it back up I was automatically put into a party chat by myself, waiting to invite some friends. I was confused because I couldn't hear anyone in game, and realized I was in a party chat. I don't think anyone will be disappointed; I'm heading on over to Netflix and sign up for my free trial now, lol.
*EDIT: Well now, I found out this morning that everyone who successfully filled out the registration form to be part of the NXE preview program was granted early access to the update. I made a news post about it to let everyone know, but now it makes sense why I got it last night.