Woke up and was feeling sick. I mean I was green in the face, I dont know what's going on with my stomach sick. I woke up this morning feeling that way, I jumped on Xbox America to check out my newfound friends and if they had anything new to say, hoping that maybe if I relax it will all go away. No such luck, so I had a buddy of mine take me to the pharmacy to get some medicine. Half way there we get into an F'EN ACCIDENT!!
Head on collision, neither one of us were hurt thankfully but when I get out of the car, I see four guys jump out of the truck that HIT US and take off running. PISSED ME OFF!!...I won't say anything racially but damn it, i was beyond livid. So cops got there blah blah blah and my buddy's buddy picked us up, took me to the pharmacy and took me back home.
I got home took the medicine and chilled on the couch for a little bit. Started to feel a tad bit better so I went to my room and figured I would chill out with something Relaxing. I figured I would play a new playthrough of Mass Effect, I can make it to the citadel and do the oh so number of side quests and relax. Went to my room, brought me some sprite and a little trash can ( just in case lol ) and proceded to turn on the Xbox 360.
................what's this?!.........no..........no this can't be.........
( here it comes )...........NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The M**** F*****n RING OF DEATH!
Is that not some bullshit?!
......do I have ANY options as of sending it in? Or once I get the RROD is that it and time to buy a new one? I knew this day was coming soonbut seriously...did it have to pick today?! *rolls eyes and sighs deeply*
Thanks for letting me vent...lol