Archived: My waffles
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Re: Re: My waffles
08/08/09 1:30 am | #17
Quote by zdeeboz:
Quote by KnuckPuck:
hey how do you beat call of duty 3 on vetearn then get all the online achievements all in the same day
well if you really like to game for achievemnts its called inviting friends over... well kids that are good at the game to hlp you
i remember those online ones required a LOT of exp
anyway welcome to The Nation House of Waffles
have you checked out our 360 voice group yet?
edit: very impresive geting all those guitar hero achievements, the online ones for bad company,all the ones on COD 3 and plennty more all in one day
also those Gears of war ones, how about those offline multiplayer ones and how exactly did you manage to get seriously in the same day you played your first multiplayer match?
Re: My waffles
08/08/09 2:18 am | #18
Idk abot most of those cuz I share my profile with my mom dad and two older brothers. I'm only 13
Re: My waffles
08/08/09 3:03 am | #19
My waffles go in the toaster.
Re: My waffles
08/08/09 5:50 am | #20
Re: My waffles
08/08/09 7:20 am | #21
Hi i'm new here and this is my first post, but I think that the waffles in this particular instance is a lie!

Re: My waffles
08/08/09 11:42 am | #23
Let me rephrase it then, I believe that deeboz might have a dirty rotten cheater in the family. How can you misuse a waffle? Unless you're "that" kinda guy or girl....then....stay faaaar away.
Re: My waffles
08/08/09 11:49 am | #24
how can you cheat?
Re: My waffles
08/08/09 11:51 am | #25
How does everyone know about waffles? Anyways welcome!
Re: My waffles
08/08/09 11:57 am | #26
I haven't seen a baker since 2007! Welcome to the mix and try my fried waffles they're delish.
Re: My waffles
08/08/09 12:07 pm | #27
Welcome to the site!
Re: Re: My waffles
08/08/09 1:31 pm | #28
Quote by Lady Evol:

I feel like a mother watching her child get raped.

I got you raine....check this out and tell me if you approve

Waffle - A game that is generally played for XBOX 360 gamerscore points. Usually takes around 5-10 hours for completion, but the amount of game play is widely varied from person to person. A waffle is a game that one would not normally play for enjoyment, so just suck it up and stack those achievements!
Now that we know the correct term for a waffle, we can now use the term correctly

Welcome to the site, enjoy your stay

Re: My waffles
08/08/09 1:39 pm | #29
I like your effort Kidd, but actually it's a word that Raine used to replace whore because she doesn't like to use the word. She first introduced this use in her blog "Hot female gamers and the battle for equality." She used it to actually describe attention whores. It was quickly used to describe gamerscore whores as well. Then it was shortened and used to describe the games that score whores may use.
For anyone who wants to know, a waffle is a whore. That's how it started.
Also, waffle is when you poop on someone's laptop keyboard and then slam it closed! lol Easily my favorite definition of the word!
For anyone who wants to know, a waffle is a whore. That's how it started.
Also, waffle is when you poop on someone's laptop keyboard and then slam it closed! lol Easily my favorite definition of the word!
Re: Re: My waffles
08/08/09 1:45 pm | #30
Quote by theevol1:
I like your effort Kidd, but actually it's a word that Raine used to replace whore because she doesn't like to use the word. She first introduced this use in her blog "Hot female gamers and the battle for equality." She used it to actually describe attention whores. It was quickly used to describe gamerscore whores as well. Then it was shortened and used to describe the games that score whores may use.
For anyone who wants to know, a waffle is a whore. That's how it started.
Also, waffle is when you poop on someone's laptop keyboard and then slam it closed! lol Easily my favorite definition of the word!
For anyone who wants to know, a waffle is a whore. That's how it started.
Also, waffle is when you poop on someone's laptop keyboard and then slam it closed! lol Easily my favorite definition of the word!
OH YEAH!...I forgot about that...good catch good catch...i applaud you good sir