Archived: My myspace profile
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Re: My myspace profile
09/13/08 8:53 pm | #18
*looks down and shakes head*
oh my god
oh my god
Re: My myspace profile
09/13/08 9:09 pm | #21
Quote by PSORaine:
did you say "oh my lou" kidd? I think you diiid... i did not...and thats not get an a for effort...but you didnt make it pass the funny line
Re: My myspace profile
09/13/08 9:11 pm | #23
Quote by PSORaine:
You're just exceedingly lame.
Oh THATS the reason...*smacks forehead like homer simpson* i forgot
Re: My myspace profile
09/13/08 9:19 pm | #25
Re: My myspace profile
09/13/08 11:59 pm | #26
Quote by Lou83:
It's not tacos fault. It's mine. I should of seen this coming. I'm just too sexy for my own good. I'm sorry .
actually raine thats your fault...youre the one who messaged me, you could have just as easily moved your mouse down and hit add to friends...ur fault
and wtf lou?
Re: My myspace profile
09/14/08 12:17 am | #27
That is a pretty sweet myspace Lou. I would add you, but I refuse to have a myspace.
Re: My myspace profile
09/14/08 12:45 am | #28
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
That is a pretty sweet myspace Lou. I would add you, but I refuse to have a myspace.
Amen to the anti-Myspace!!!
Sorry I had to throw that in there!
Re: My myspace profile
09/14/08 3:24 am | #29
Cool page man. I send to friend request and since we are posting myspace pages:
Crooklynmayo's myspace
Crooklynmayo's myspace
Re: My myspace profile
09/14/08 4:24 am | #30
nice page man.
if u made it yourself do u think you could help me out with the bugs i have on my page?
My Page
i still have a few bugs with the text on firefox that i cant seem to fix and with my music playlist, i can get it to work on IE but not FF
if u made it yourself do u think you could help me out with the bugs i have on my page?
My Page
i still have a few bugs with the text on firefox that i cant seem to fix and with my music playlist, i can get it to work on IE but not FF