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Archived: My Newest Tattoo.
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My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:19 pm | #1
As some of you may/may not know I have a tattoo of the XBOX 360's A Button behind my right ear.
Well now I have the B Button as well tattooed on my right foot on the tendon of my heel.
Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:20 pm | #2
talk about random tattoo locations lol
what about the "Y and X"
Re: Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:23 pm | #4
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
talk about random tattoo locations lol
what about the "Y and X"
I'm getting those on later dates lol gotta figure out where to put them lol but they will get done eventually.
Quote by PSORaine:
ol odd... I'm gonna get a tattoo when I get a car... and a babysitter... I'm gonna get an open star like the one on the back of Evol's neck... It's so cool... I want one!
Never seen evol's star. I got my star touched up last night too.
Quote by Shockwave22:
put them in the same spot on your left side duh lol
I thought about that but I promised myself that I wont get another tattoo above the neck line, not that it hurts too much but then people kinda like to stare and what not and i never know if I might need to get another job down the road lol
Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:25 pm | #6
oh ok, how about the opposite side of the head and leg lol. i cant wait to get a tattoo thats what im doing to celebrate my 18th birthday
Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:29 pm | #8
If the person doing your tattoo was to ask you "Why did you chose to get this" how would you respond?
Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:31 pm | #9
Because I love video games lol and yes he asked me why I was getting the buttons of a controller tattooed on me but he said hes seen worse aka my buddy getting a sea turtle tatooed under his belly fat just so he can ask people if they want to see his turtle lol.
Re: Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:35 pm | #10
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
Because I love video games lol and yes he asked me why I was getting the buttons of a controller tattooed on me but he said hes seen worse aka my buddy getting a sea turtle tatooed under his belly fat just so he can ask people if they want to see his turtle lol.
lol wtf
Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:37 pm | #11
lol he is a weird individual lol
Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:39 pm | #12
he is probably someone that would be hilarious to kick it with it though lol
Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:40 pm | #13
Re: Re: My Newest Tattoo.
01/11/09 10:44 pm | #14
Quote by D3ADLYKILL3R:
he is probably someone that would be hilarious to kick it with it though lol
oh yeah hes friggin hilarious and very gullible too like one time 2 of my other friends got in a van that this guy didnt know about and while he was out having a cigarette they would drive by real slow and make it look like they were staking out the house or something like that. They would drive up and down the block repeatedly and then sometimes pull over down the block and shut off their lights off and as soon as he ran towards them they took off and we couldnt stop laughing for like an hour.
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