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Archived: My Gamercard Creations!
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My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 3:45 am | #1
Hey, I may be late to the party with this gamer card creator, but, I think it's one of the coolest things, ever. I usually make my own signatures pertaining to a current game I'm really into, but I think I'll start using this creator to make my signatures from now on.
Here are my two creations so far. I still have a lot to learn to make them look even sharper, but I think I'll get there in due time. What do you guys think? I'll put the categories next to them if you feel obliged to use them; and if so, please do. 
Xbox 360
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 3:53 am | #2
Those are very slick man, I especially like the Trials one.
If they are indeed transparent, how do they look on dark backgrounds? That's some pretty heavy anti-aliasing on the edges.
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 4:07 am | #3
They both look good on dark backgrounds, especially the Red Faction one. The back tire on the Trials HD one has a little strip of white around it; it's hardly noticeable, though.
Is anti-aliasing another term for blur/smooth? If so, then yes.
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 6:41 am | #4
I didn't know there was that kind of thing.I was always wondering how people made those.Those are some of the best compared to the others btw.
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 9:04 am | #5
Beast man loving those, Red Faction Guerilla is my favorite by far
Keep at it
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 10:15 am | #6
Wow, those are really great. I'm impressed.
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 10:21 am | #7
I think they look really great. Good job on these.
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 2:07 pm | #9
How can you make ones that automatically update?
Re: Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 2:21 pm | #11
Quote by Lady Evol:
by using the gamer card creator that jackson made through the site. You upload a pic you want to use as a background, then you can use his creator to put whatever you want on the card, as far as recently played games, achievements, completion %, etc... it's where I made mine, and I believe Rev made his there too, and it looks like Apple has done some awesome stuff with his. There used to be a link in the... userbar thing at the top of the page, but I think the best way to get there now is just user cp>gamercard images>click the link to create your own custom gamercard.
Or just go here, lol:
Alright ill try to make one
EDIT: How can see the things i put on the gamercard while in creating it?
EDIT: Why does the gamerpic show up in the top left corner?
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 3:03 pm | #12
YES! I made one!
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 3:07 pm | #13
how do u put gamercards etc in ur reply's or sig i cant seem to input them anywhere i'm a little puzzled thanks..
Re: Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 3:13 pm | #14
Quote by MarryPoppins wP:
how do u put gamercards etc in ur reply's or sig i cant seem to input them anywhere i'm a little puzzled thanks..
Once you make one at mygamercardcreater.com you will get an HTML code to use, just copy and paste
Re: My Gamercard Creations!
08/16/09 3:40 pm | #15
I am trying to create one right now but am having trouble putting in personal data for last game played and its completion percentage. I do not know why this is the only thing not working.
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