Also note that i havent beat it on veteran yet, i played for about an hour and a half today and im in the 5 mission.
Archived: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 5:38 pm | #1
Im playing the campaign on veteran and its not hard at all. Just take your time. Im breezing through the levels like its normal mode. So why is it so much easier this time?
Also note that i havent beat it on veteran yet, i played for about an hour and a half today and im in the 5 mission.
Also note that i havent beat it on veteran yet, i played for about an hour and a half today and im in the 5 mission.
Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 5:55 pm | #2
From someone whose beaten it
Yea, its defiantly the easiest of COD veterans that Ive played
Couple tough/frustrating parts, IE Oil Rig. But still I was done with it before i went to sleep after getting it.
Yea, its defiantly the easiest of COD veterans that Ive played
Couple tough/frustrating parts, IE Oil Rig. But still I was done with it before i went to sleep after getting it.
Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 6:27 pm | #3
Is easy, i mean I did it
Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 6:49 pm | #4
Yeah, it is pretty easy. I'm about halfway done (i think) and it hasn't taken me very long. It's all about patience.
Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 6:49 pm | #5
good, i'm glad, i'm looking forward to it now
Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 6:59 pm | #6
Well that's actually kind of a sad thing for me. I am not a big fan of the COD multiplayer <putting on flameproof vest> and I usually play the COD series for beating the game on vet, it is a bit of an accomplishment....its sad to see the game is easy, this will probably delay me getting the game even further.

Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 7:02 pm | #7
what makes it so easy is no infinite respawn baddies and thousands of flying grenades. I think the experience is very enjoyable now.
Re: Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 7:07 pm | #8
Quote by JuniorMT:
what makes it so easy is no infinite respawn baddies and thousands of flying grenades. I think the experience is very enjoyable now.
Haha yeah, the shitload of grenades thrown at you in the previous games was ridiculous.
Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 7:08 pm | #9
The only mission that has been remotely hard so far is the Favela mission, and only because you're by yourself with lots of corners and narrow hallways. Es muy facil, si.
Re: Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 7:16 pm | #10
Quote by Minioger:
Well that's actually kind of a sad thing for me. I am not a big fan of the COD multiplayer <putting on flameproof vest> and I usually play the COD series for beating the game on vet, it is a bit of an accomplishment....its sad to see the game is easy, this will probably delay me getting the game even further.

i didn't care for the MP in previous cod titles mini, but this one is fun as hell.
when i jump on i actually look forward to it more than the campaign. that's a first!
but yeah, it's the easiest vet campaign yet in my opinion.
not too far though. the other modes have me juggling like a freak.
Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 10:15 pm | #11
this is good to hear for me. i loved CoD4's campaign but i got frustrated at parts and never finished it. if this is more enjoyable i will finish it. i dont like the online tho. but then again i always sucked at CoD online. i own in killzone tho

Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/12/09 10:34 pm | #12
I finished on Vet a few hours ago & it was still a cool game & great story without making me break a controller because of the difficulty.....The multi player is a different story though (broke a conrtoller & headset today)
Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/13/09 12:59 am | #13
I have not finished cod 4 or waw on veteran but im almost finished modern warfare 2 on vet. I like the fact that you can weed out the enemy's one by one and not have to worry about a lucky sprint to the next checkpoint.
Re: Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/13/09 1:07 am | #14
Quote by BeaverHunter:
I finished on Vet a few hours ago & it was still a cool game & great story without making me break a controller because of the difficulty.....The multi player is a different story though (broke a conrtoller & headset today)
If you are having trouble in First Person Multiplayer, try a game of of Third Person Multiplayer. It feels like an entirely different game and everyone is new to a third person CoD so you may have better luck there. I do a hell of a lot better in 3rd person than 1st person.
Re: Modern Warfare Veteran not really veteran?
11/13/09 2:29 am | #15
awww are you guys serious
. well that actually pisses me off. i LOVED the insanely hard difficulty of playing CoD on vet, its one of the things i was lookin forward 2
. It would be a major accomplishment when you saw someone with the veteran achievement, but alas it will not be for this one x.x