Archived: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
09/24/09 8:12 pm | #2
Honestly, that looks kinda stupid. I hate ear buds. XD.. But to each their own, I'll just stick with a nice comfy headset.
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
09/24/09 8:24 pm | #4
Do not get one, they are a waste of money. My friend's and I play paintball and we bought some of those a few years back for communicating more stealthily in the big woods games. They don't work worth a shit.
Just stick with a regular mic.
Just stick with a regular mic.
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
09/24/09 8:30 pm | #6
BTW, the ones we bought were $50, and they sucked, so this one at $30 can't really be to impressive.
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
09/24/09 8:38 pm | #8
i saw that in the IGN video, its looks pretty cool, i need a new mic anyway
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
09/24/09 8:39 pm | #9
Re: Re: Re: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
09/24/09 8:39 pm | #10
Quote by Aaron:
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
WTF is that?
what STD said!
What Aaron and STD said
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
09/24/09 8:41 pm | #11
LOL! i have one of those. i don't wear it around my neck though.
Re: Re: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
09/24/09 9:15 pm | #13
Quote by Aaron:
it seems like infinity ward is trying to get everything they can out of mw 2
they had me at "250 gigs"
Re: Modern Warfare 2 Throat Communicator
09/24/09 9:26 pm | #14
i mean cmon.....really guys? really?