Archived: Mass new "games as porn" Bill
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Mass new "games as porn" Bill
03/18/08 3:02 pm | #16
games dont kill people, idiots with guns/or worse children, do
Re: Mass new "games as porn" Bill
03/18/08 6:41 pm | #17
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
See the blame should be put on the parents, but that makes too much sense, and seeing how it doesn't make sense for the parents to take even an ounce of responsibility for the actions (or lack thereof) they figure it'd be better to sue the game company because the M rated game they bought for little timmy made him stab his sister, it surely wasn't his parents fault for not teaching him right from wrong or even watching what he does while mom and dad sit on the couch getting drunk off their asses.
/end rant.
/end rant.
aww why end rant, i was enjoying it lol.
But seriously just because they add ONE MORE tag to M rated games the parents will still buy it, i no longer care since i turn 17 on may 10, which on a side note also happens to be the day my school is holding prom

Parents nowadays are being to lenient towards their kids, no offense but its mostly white people.
(ya i knw i got off topic lol)
maybe if they were stricter on their kids and hit them every once in a while they would learn what they should and shouldn't do.
and for u people that think spanking is wrong, u need to grow some balls.
Re: Mass new "games as porn" Bill
03/19/08 1:31 pm | #18
No matter what happens the kids will hate it, parents will love it, and somebody will sue the state.
Re: Mass new "games as porn" Bill
03/19/08 2:07 pm | #20
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
See the blame should be put on the parents, but that makes too much sense, and seeing how it doesn't make sense for the parents to take even an ounce of responsibility for the actions (or lack thereof) they figure it'd be better to sue the game company because the M rated game they bought for little timmy made him stab his sister, it surely wasn't his parents fault for not teaching him right from wrong or even watching what he does while mom and dad sit on the couch getting drunk off their asses.
/end rant.
/end rant.
I'm right with you on this one, CM.
You never hear about the millions of gamers like us who can play a game with some violence or sexual themes without snapping.
It's the ones that are either abused or neglected by their parents because they don't pay enough attention to them. Those are the ones we hear about because those select few go off and kill their families because of those reasons, but because you see a copy of GTA in their collection, the games get blamed.
Whack jobs like Jack Thompson absolutely get off on finding out things like this.
Now, don't get me wrong. I believe we need a uniformed code for the rating system. It's definitely necessary to keep SOME games out of the hands of minors, but by minors, I'm referring to an eight or nine year old who doesn't have common sense yet and tries playing GTA. Those are the ones that need to be protected by this....not 15-18 year olds who generally have a good idea of what's right and wrong in this world.