Archived: MY GAMERTAG was hack
Posted Under: Deeper Discussions
MY GAMERTAG was hack
08/08/09 8:58 pm | #1
MY GAMERTAG was hack they change every with name and use my posints and shit ill try get it back
Re: MY GAMERTAG was hack
08/08/09 9:04 pm | #4
please check your grammar, unless they hacked this too
Re: MY GAMERTAG was hack
08/08/09 9:06 pm | #5
Quote by nWo Member69:
MY GAMERTAG was hacked! They changed everything and my name used my MS points and shit.ll try get it back
attempted translation...
that sucks (well if i read it right...)
Re: MY GAMERTAG was hack
08/08/09 9:08 pm | #7
Welcome to the site! o uh... that sucks
Re: MY GAMERTAG was hack
08/08/09 9:12 pm | #8
^^^^ that was not worth logging out
Re: Re: Re: MY GAMERTAG was hack
08/08/09 9:13 pm | #9
Quote by Shockwave:
Quote by XxTime:
please check your grammar, unless they hacked this too
Sorry but LMAO
maybe they hacked his house and he is in a despirate struggle for the keyboard...?
Re: MY GAMERTAG was hack
08/08/09 9:27 pm | #11
your GT was hack?
congrats! mine used to be lord frag!
congrats! mine used to be lord frag!
Re: MY GAMERTAG was hack
08/08/09 9:41 pm | #14
Quote by BadGrammerMan:
My Gamertag was hacked. They changed everything including my name. They used all my MS Points and shit. I will try to get it back.
There you go.
Sucks dude.