Archived: Let's Talk about gaming?!?!?!?!?
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Let's Talk about gaming?!?!?!?!?
04/29/09 5:41 pm | #16
GREG... Let's talk about not making a "Let's talk about gaming?!?!!" thread so there are more gaming threads in the recent threads!
Re: Re: Let's Talk about gaming?!?!?!?!?
04/29/09 6:18 pm | #17
Quote by Shockwave:
hey when u going to have another gears 1 boost?
I might do one this friday unless some of my friends are coming over
Re: Let's Talk about gaming?!?!?!?!?
04/29/09 8:17 pm | #18
BUMP hahah
Re: Let's Talk about gaming?!?!?!?!?
04/29/09 8:51 pm | #20
Who buys games nowadays? There are few games out right now that are worth buying xD
Re: Re: Let's Talk about gaming?!?!?!?!?
04/29/09 9:48 pm | #21
Quote by Raine:
So... like... I heard Velvet Assassin is out????? Why has no one talked about this game????
IDK! It looks pretty damn good, it makes me think of that old POW game back on the OG Xbox.
Re: Let's Talk about gaming?!?!?!?!?
04/29/09 9:53 pm | #22
Never heard of it, whats it about?
Re: Let's Talk about gaming?!?!?!?!?
04/29/09 9:58 pm | #23
I dont care what it is! Blame the game!